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Everything posted by MrDave2176

  1. To choose the target folder just edit the default.properties file in the Pandora folder. There is no way to disable the artist/album folders. However you can sort of fudge it... In js/pandoraGrabber.js (or in the pandoraGrabber.html file if you are using the 'classic' skin) search for this function downloadMP3() { lookup = $F("cddb"); artistName = $F("artist"); songName = $F("song"); albumImgLoc = $F("albumImgLocation"); pandoraUserNameValue = $F("pandoraUserName"); stationIdValue = $F("stationId"); cruise = $F('cruiseControl'); if(artistName == '' && songName=='') { Element.update('resultTarget2',"unable to locate artist and song information."); } else Element.update('resultTarget2',"Fetching ID3 information and tagging MP3 for artist. (" + decodeURIComponent(artistName) + ") song (" + decodeURIComponent(songName) + ")...."); var url = "process"; var pars = "action=grab&artist=" + artistName + "&title=" + songName + "&album=&genre=&comment=ripped by [PaNDoRas jAR] your source for listening pleasure&year=&cruise=" + cruise + "&albumImgLocaction=" + albumImgLoc + "&pandoraUserName=" + pandoraUserNameValue + "&stationId=" + stationIdValue + "&cddbLookUp=" + lookup; var myAjax = new Ajax.Request(url, { method: 'get', parameters: pars, onComplete: downloadMP3Response }); } find the part that starts "var pars=" and you can restructure it to be more readable like so: var pars = "action=grab&artist=" + artistName + "&title=" + songName + "&album=&genre=&year=" + "&comment=ripped by [PaNDoRas jAR] your source for listening pleasure" + "&cruise=" + cruise + "&albumImgLocaction=" + albumImgLoc + "&pandoraUserName=" + pandoraUserNameValue + "&stationId=" + stationIdValue + "&cddbLookUp=" + lookup; This is where the song information is passed to the pandora.jar program. If you put an album name like '_' in then everything will be put into an album named '_' and the same thing for artist and such. Be sure to turn OFF cddb lookup in your settings. Of course it will also do the same for your IDv3 tags, too. Maybe you could move the info to the comments field so you can later use a tag editor to fix everything. var pars = "action=grab&artist=_&title=" + songName + "&album=_&genre=&year=" + "&comment=" + artistName + "&cruise=" + cruise + "&albumImgLocaction=" + albumImgLoc + "&pandoraUserName=" + pandoraUserNameValue + "&stationId=" + stationIdValue + "&cddbLookUp=" + lookup;
  2. The latest version of my skin will handle that: http://wildandbad.com/pandoraGrabber.zip
  3. I have managed to figure out why the pandoraGrabber didn't work with the settings panel closed...and along the way figured out that it wasn't necessary to embed the pandora player into the page directly. Instead, if it is opened in an iframe and seems to continue to work. Therefore, the latest PandoraGrabber.zip file has that mod in it so that it will automatically update if Pandora updates. I have also updated the Pandora.beta.6.zip file with this mod. this is the change. If you want to make it yourself. If you just ewant to delete out the old tuner instead of commenting it out, help yourself. <div id="TunerContainer" style="position:relative;height:250px;width:640px;"> <iframe src="http://www.pandora.com/?cmd=tunermini" scrolling=no></iframe> <!-- This may be deleted <script> var tunerUrl = "https://www.pandora.com:443/radio/tuner_7_1_0_0.swf"; var tunerVars = '_tunervar_cmd=tunermini&_tunervar_shost=www'+'.'+ 'pandora'+'.'+'com&_tunervar_amazonurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww'+ '.'+'amazon'+'.'+'com%2Fexec%2Fobidos%2Fredirect%3Ftag%3Dsavagebeast-20'+ '&_tunervar_host=www'+'.'+'pandora'+'.'+ 'com&_tunervar_ar=0&_tunervar_port=80&_tunervar_sport=443'+ '&_tunervar_itunesurl=http%3A%2F%2Fclick'+'.'+ 'linksynergy'+'.'+'com%2Ffs-bin%2Fstat%3Fid%3DFLenzF8lvbI%26offerid%3D78941%26' + 'type%3D3%26subid%3D0%26tmpid%3D1826'; </script> <script src="http://www.pandora.com/include/write_tuner_embed.js"></script> <script src="http://www.pandora.com/include/Advertising.js"></script> <script src="http://www.pandora.com/tuner.js"></script> <script src="http://www.pandora.com/static/refreshConfig.js"></script> --> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/pandora.js"></script> </div>
  4. In the MrDave skin it is here: var tunerUrl = "https://www.pandora.com:443/radio/tuner_7_1_0_0.swf";
  5. The latest versions have been added to the Noob's guide: http://www.hak5.org/forums/viewtopic.php?p=15026#15026
  6. Okay let's try it a different way. I design a useful device - Say an iPod. And some person in China manufactures an IDENTICAL device that maybe doesn't have my proprietary software but performs the same function. Is it stealing? If I create something I am entitled to get paid for it if that is my goal regardless of whether it is tangible or not. The only way your analogy is comparable is if you REVERSE-ENGINEERED the software and then wrote your own software that does the same thing. Look at it this way...Let us say that there are devices in every business and home that if you drop something in it, then an exact duplicate came out the other end. Then EVERYTHING becomes a matter of design doesn't it? If you buy an iPod and take it home and drop it in your magic-transduplicator and then give the copy iPod to a friend, who got ripped off? You? - because you paid for the original device? That is wrong thinking. The creator of the device has a right to get recognition for his work. This is why songwriters get paid for other people recording their songs, and why people cannot randomly make money by Mission Impossible movies if they feel like it. I am not saying that the current system is 100% perfect. It isn't. Digital media is bugaboo when it comes to figuring out how money is to be distributed. But the bottom line is IT IS STEALING INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. The solution isn't to throw up your hands and pronounce that it is all free, take what you want. If you don't like it, go ahead and steal. But don't deny that it is a crime.
  7. Your problem may be the Pandora update from Saturday. Look Here and follow those instructions. That will probably take care of the problem.
  8. Actually I do this on purpose. I have a pivoting LCD screen on my desk and I prefer it vertically oriented. It is more like a sheet of paper which makes much more sense to me to work with than a movie screen
  9. No it isn't. These companies provide software at discounted rates as part of bundles, student discounts and bulk=buy discounts if you purchase it through legal channels. Often times for $100 or less. Just becasue you have nothing tangible to hold when you purchase the software (aside fomr a DVD or Disk) doesn't mean it isn't real merchandise. You wouldn't consider stealing an iPod becasue it costs $300 would you? Or a digital camera? Get real. If you just want to use it once or twice then it only seems like a lot of money. If you want to use it professionally...it is part of the cost of doing business.
  10. The Noobs Guide to Pandora at the Top of the Hacks forum is what you are looking for. http://www.hak5.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=983
  11. Right now, nothing. It was my idea that they would record your preferred "panel open" or "panel closed" preferences. But when they are closed then Pandora can't read them so they are "coming soon"
  12. Yeah, we are building a Version 7 that will have all these little bits fixed.
  13. It cycles for a number of songs. In js/pandora.jar at the top of the file you will find the line: var SONG_COUNT_BEFORE_RELOAD = 10; Change that number to anything you'd like. I recommend 30 to start. However if you find larger numbers that work well, please let us know. I'm curious as well what the tolorance for unattended operation is.
  14. Read further. Change it to https://www.pandora.com:443/radio/tuner_7_0_0_0.swf
  15. Sorry for Wildandbad.com going down, My disk filled up and so it rebooted...with a full disk some services didn't start as they should. So it was just hanging there. I've rectified that. (I suppose I shouldn't let PJ run unattended on the server, eh?) It has been a while since that happened. The new PJ works well.
  16. I just renamed one of those plugtmp-# files with a .mp3 extension and it played just fine. This should be a pretty easy fix.
  17. Something has definately changed... 1: My PandorasJar.log file is flooded with this message: INFO Thread-2 server.Server - handling request INFO Thread-2 server.Server - processing url: GET /process?action=grab&artist=--Snip--on&_= HTTP/1.1 INFO Thread-2 servlet.ProcessAction - handling mp3 request INFO Thread-2 util.Mp3Processor - locating mp3 INFO Thread-2 util.Mp3Processor - access file not found trying again after 1 sec INFO Thread-2 util.Mp3Processor - access file not found trying again after 1 sec INFO Thread-2 util.Mp3Processor - access file not found trying again after 1 sec INFO Thread-2 util.Mp3Processor - access file not found trying again after 1 sec INFO Thread-2 util.Mp3Processor - access file not found trying again after 1 sec INFO Thread-2 util.Mp3Processor - access file not found trying again after 1 sec INFO Thread-2 util.Mp3Processor - access file not found trying again after 1 sec INFO Thread-2 util.Mp3Processor - access file not found trying again after 1 sec My Temp File looks like this (note the file names) and that provocative plugtmp file has this in it: My Temp File looks like this (note the file names) The Java stuff isn't my speciality...maybe mr Cooper can bug this out.
  18. Um, yes. My fault again, I'm afraid. In Pandroa's Jar Folder you will find a file called default.properties. Edit it to change the path for your files to be sent to. #uncomment the following line to set your preferred storage dir #u can change at at runtime if u want mp3.archive.path=C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Desktop/downloads/Music Or comment out the last line (with a # at the beginning of the line) to have them saved in the Pandora folder by default.
  19. Whoops! My Bad. A Security measure to prevent upload and execute viruses. It is allowed now.
  20. If anyone has a still-zipped copy of beta.5.zip just email it to me (mrDave21764 at gmail.com) and I'll host it. For now - This is the 'current' alpha 6 http://wildandbad.com/pandora.alpha.6.zip on another note...I am getting this message this morning
  21. Could this be your problem?
  22. I'll reference this solution that was up a few lines...
  23. Just a Compilation for newbies...: System Requirements: Latest version of Java Firefox Browser The latest ALPHA version (6) is built from these files: Pandora.beta.5 (includes sources) Comicnut's recompiled pandora.jar Comicnut's logger (for debugging) MrDave's Skin File This Batch File Download everything to the same directory ("C:Pandora" for example) and then run the pandora.bat file. You may need to edit the pandora.bat file to point to your browser location (if it is non-standard) You can specify a port (80 is the default) if 80 is being used by launching pandora.bat with a single parameter (i.e., pandora.bat 8888) to specify the port desired.
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