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  1. here are the solutions: 1 and 2: line #33 & 53 }while(again = 'y'); if(a=b) there is a logical error. the = will alaways return true. this is because the compiler sees it as an assignment. the = should be == to make it a comparison. 3: line #22 randChar = rand()%4; the range of comparible characters is not a,b,c instead it has a range of: null, ?, ?, ? to fix this add 'a' or 97 to get it in the range of a-d 4: line #2 #include <ctime> This is not the error but a hint. You can write a line that initializes the random number based on the system time. srand(time(0)); This allows you to be able to run the app without having it choose the same random number every time. Congrats to: sablefoxx and TheWarden for finding errors 1, 2, and 3 Here is the Next Challenge: Wrte a Program that 1. an integer is inputed 2. the number is converted to binary 3. output the binary number Bonus: make it also do Octal and/or Hexadecimal
  2. sablefoxx's found some of the errors on lines 33,and 54 33: }while(again = 'y'); 53: if(a=b) //it waws actually on 53 someone could post what these errors are there are still 2 more errors. i could post the errors you want.
  3. Your compiler did find some of the errors, and i don't think i can hide them from you compiler. Try fixing the errors and look for the rest of the errors. Also post as you fix errors.
  4. sablefoxx what compiler are you using? I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and I don't see any warnings or errors this is not one of the errors but should fix some of the strict warnings your compiler is giving you try replacing line 25: if(compare(myNum, randNum) && compare(myChar, randChar)) with: if(compare<int>(myNum, randNum) && compare<char>(myChar, randChar))
  5. is this the code that you want? only runtime errors and not syntax errors #include &lt;iostream&gt; #include &lt;ctime&gt; using namespace std; char get_Char(); int get_Int(); template &lt;class Type&gt; bool compare(Type,Type); int main(){ int myNum, randNum; char myChar, randChar; char again; cout&lt;&lt;" Welcome to the Awesome Game n"; do{ cout&lt;&lt;"*******************************n"; myChar = get_Char(); myNum = get_Int(); randChar = rand()%4; randNum = rand()%3; if(compare&lt;int&gt;(myNum, randNum) &amp;&amp; compare&lt;char&gt;(myChar, randChar)) cout&lt;&lt;"You Winn"; else cout&lt;&lt;"You Loosen"; cout &lt;&lt; "do you want to play again(y/n)? "; cin &gt;&gt; again; }while(again = 'y'); cout&lt;&lt;"*******************************n" &lt;&lt;"Thanks for Playingn"; return 0; } char get_Char(){ char temp; cout&lt;&lt;"enter a character(a-d): "; cin&gt;&gt;temp; return temp; } int get_Int(){ int temp; cout&lt;&lt;"enter an integer(1-3): "; cin&gt;&gt;temp; return temp; } template &lt;class Type&gt; bool compare(Type a,Type b){ if(a=b) return true; else return false; } edited after sablefoxx's comment #55 and my comment #56
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