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Everything posted by DingleBerries

  1. Beta 4 is out but I still think 3 is far superior... Reminds me of the old day, how i miss you slack... how i miss you.
  2. Yes you can restore it by going to the sandisk site and downloading there installer. I have my autorun setup to execute a program on the flash drive called run.exe. Run.exe is just a simple C++ app that uses strings to run whatever I want. Say I want to install Norton and Fire fox I would tell the app to run UA_Norton.exe and UA_FF.exe, of course it is all hard coded but I dont have a problem with it. I am also looking at using the MS token capture to install payload from unprivileged accounts, ie guest or user.
  3. I have found that the Parental Control Settings work pretty well in windows, of course you can take it to another level with third party tools, bit Windows does what it is advertised to do(Web restrictions and such). Methods vary from Vista to XP but here is a quick outline for some of the tools. Be sure to set it up before you turn on steady state. Limit Account login times Start > Run > CMD > Turn on Account Restrictions net user ACCOUNT NAME /times:M-F,8am-8pm;Sa,8am-5pm;Su,8am-1pm Turn Off Account Restrictions net user ACCOUNT NAME /times:all From
  4. I just encrytped mine. I throw my keypass database, firefox database(password stuff, I put it back when needed), tax forms, portable apps that may be detected my AV, and any other stuff I can think of that may not be safe just sitting on its own.
  5. By th looks of their site, it doesnt seem like they either make them any more or they had bought them to give away and have nothing to do with the hardware.
  6. You are right... Give me 10 mins to whip up a new one. UPDATE: SLURPER V1.1 USB VERSION
  7. Firewire, DMA & Windows . There it is.. Remote exploit has a newer version for vista and XP sp3.
  8. Making a plugin for the frontend to MAME is going to be the best option, it should get the keys and send them to terminal. Take a look at AutoIt, I think i remember someone making a code that would catch keys before they were entered into a text area and convert them to something elese, i.e 1234 would equal abcd, so you could convert ; or % to null and the rest to 5's. I have another project I am working on atm but when i get a chance ill see what I can do. Might want to ask in the programing section if anyone knows of a way to catch keys.
  9. Looks like a few people have had this error and had to reinstall. I suggest taking you hhd out and hooking it to an external adapter and trying to salvage any data you can then just reinstall and from now on use windows defrag utility and Gparted.
  10. Without a error message there is not much I can do.. I still do not understand you not being able to boot into a live disk? Just hope that you didnt dirty up your disk with that "specialized" defrager. If it didnt respect partition boundaries then you could have fucked your self.
  11. Few options, boot ubuntu from a cd and reinstall grub or download fixmbr from ibm and run that.
  12. You just triple posted... Well if you didnt get it working yet can you print out a list of all the files/folders in the directory?
  13. This is a box waiting to get rooted. Passing commands via system is a bad idea, I cant think of another way other than only letting them only scan ips(limiting character input to prevent rmrf) but even then they can manipulate the post. I am sure if you look there are php port scanners, not as good as nmap but may be a lot safer.
  14. Or if you are installing 2007 after 2003 you can just click "Customise" instead of "Upgrade" and install it that way.
  15. attrib h I suggest that you look at this > http://www.ss64.com/nt/
  16. What is the exact version of mame that you are using? Is it 130 or a previous version with a frontend? Im downloading the newest source atm but it would help if i can mirror your setup as close as possible. EDIT src\emu\input.c /* token strings for device classes */ static const code_string_table devclass_token_table[] = { { DEVICE_CLASS_KEYBOARD, "KEYCODE" }, { DEVICE_CLASS_MOUSE, "MOUSECODE" }, { DEVICE_CLASS_LIGHTGUN, "GUNCODE" }, { DEVICE_CLASS_JOYSTICK, "JOYCODE" }, { ~0, "UNKCODE" } }; So a quick look over it I would add a new device class. { DEVICE_CLASS_MAGCARD, "CARDCODE" }, Then below that in the next class { DEVICE_CLASS_MAGCARD, "Card" }, Long code is long so i just pastebined it. Here you can hack it a bit and just remove unused keyboard keys and give them to the mag card. http://pastebin.com/f3a7c0ca6 But looking over this it hooks in way to many places, you would have to edit almost all of that and then a bunch of headers, not to mention game drivers. So yeah i dont think source editing is feasible... But ive only have 5mins to look over it. How is mame reading your card exactly? Can you run a keylogger, getasci, and see exactly what is going on? I havent use mag cards so im just guessing here.
  17. Have a look at my tools. The last tool i made is called slurper and it does this, but needs to be put in the flash partition. The next version will either have you name the flash partition and copy there or manually find it.. havent decided yet.
  18. I do not have a magstrip reader but i will play with mame and see what i can come up with.
  19. This deserves a spot in the wiki. Awesome moonlit.
  20. DingleBerries


    Is your card in monitor mode? Do you have scapy.py installed? sudo su airmon-ng start eth1 airodump --write wifi mon0 python wifizoo.py -c wifi-01.cap start firfox
  21. http://www.ex-parrot.com/~pete/upside-down-ternet.html just dont flip everything upside down or if you have a wireless network airpwn.
  22. New file just added, Slurper 1.0 NON USB VERSION
  23. This all just seems like way to much work/money for something like this. What is your exact setup, program wise, atm?
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