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NZ Guy :D

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Everything posted by NZ Guy :D

  1. well i didnt really care about the blocking but i wanted to see if i could write some php to get around it. Our school has blacklisted pages address and word filters, very secure :D, it acctually filters the words for black listed words like porn hack etc. i wrote a php script which i hosted on my own website which simply rebuilt the remote page in my webserver, it replaced all the links with a base64 encode which could be decoded by the script later which prevented the url filtration and to get around the word filter i replace every vowel with the ascii equivilent rendering it useless. try that method :D and if u fail at least u learnt php
  2. i have on bored which varries so meh could be 100gigs lol
  3. NZ Guy :D


    i know how to use linux just fine, but the amount of setup to get it working with the same effectiveness is larger and you cannot denie that, things like speedstep all the little nitty gritty things you probably dont think about also a big thing for me was boot up time and software suspend which is to slow for my liking. There are things i would use linux for and things i would use windows for, as far as my general use laptop goes, windows all the way.
  4. Dunedin, New Zealand you people do know where New Zealand is right?
  5. i dont think i will ever be happy working for someone, i wana make it on my own and thats the only thing i know atm.
  6. The world is a misterious place, fill you life with the things you love and the people you love who ever or whatever they be and live your life to its fullest because you only get one!. My only problem with homosexuals is that it destroys the family, and i hold family very dear to me thats my only issue thanks, BTW australia isnt the futherest down under that watches hak5!! NEW ZEALAND WOOOP WOOOP
  7. yeah its just a part time job untill i finish school etc, i also do software engineering and webdesign etc on the side.
  8. well heres now i came up with mine, i took a random word that i could remember then used md5 to hash it, then i just remembered the hash and i vary the length depending on the importance, so 8-32chars, i also mix in a pattern of shifts + key.
  9. Well this will make me feel left out.... Im a support worker for the Intellectually disbaled! and i do love my job. Big change from every other person that posted something to do with technology.
  10. NZ Guy :D


    windows, just cause im lazy and linux involves more effort, i do like it but i dont like the time it takes to get it how you want it.
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