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Everything posted by jollyrancher82

  1. You shouldn't use inline assembly "just because you can" in an application. There are certain situations when it is good, and the rest are bad and offer no benefit. The performance of a desktop application depends on what it's being used for, or the platform it's being run on. If you're writing a C++ application, the likelihood of it needed to be "fast" is slim. If you were writing a performance dependent application you would write the whole application in assembly. Also I already know the different assembly syntax's of inline assembly. I also know how parameters are passed. You don't need to prove to me you know this stuff. I don't care if you do, or don't understand it. I am offering my advice based on what is presented.
  2. Feedback helps developers understand different ways of accomplishing the same goals. I have a similar solution for winsock, except I use polymorphism, and inheritence. You should use new/delete in C++ without question. I can't remember off the top of my head but I believe VirtualAlloc uses new or new uses VirtualAlloc, I forget which way around it is. Mixing assembly with C++ can be a good and bad thing. Different compilers have different inline asm syntax. I like the idea behind the string class however I wrote my own slimline string class for C++. It's never a bad thing to have many files, it's good management and allows you to know where everything is. I work a lot with OOP. So I generally have the class definition in a header, and the implementation in the source file. This never gets messy and I find it easy to manage knowing where everything is.
  3. I write free software but I don't give out the source because you get people that edit it and put their names on it, or "borrow" code from it without giving credit where it's due.
  4. | and & are bitwise or and and respectively. || and && are logical or and and respectively. if(retval == -1 | retval == 0) This code is performing a bitwise or operation. if (retval == -1 || retval == 0) This is the code that should be used. Also the idea behind multiple source files is for organisation. Having source in single files is untidy, and unorganised. If you plan on going into programming as career you should look into managing source files better.
  5. Do you run Windows? If so, when did you get the Windows source to compile it?
  6. I have nothing against open source. I have something against the people and communities that preace open source is better and that all software should be open source. This is also the reason I am not a fan of Linux and it's community. My software is released as closed source, whether people use it or not because of this reason is up to them. I write my software for the research and learning for me, people using it is a bonus. If people want to know how a certain piece of my software works, I happily share that piece of code, but not everything.
  7. Why are you using malloc() and free() in C++? You should be using new and delete. if(retval == -1 | retval == 0) Found this in EasySockets.h, I don't know if you meant || or you wanted to use |. You should also separate classes into .h and .cpp. Headers are for class definitions, and the .cpp file is for the class implementation.
  8. I prefer NameCheap over GoDaddy. So I haven't used any Hak.5 promo codes. Maybe Hak.5 should look into getting NameCheap as a sponser. :)
  9. I've been programming for around 7 years now. I tinkered around with BASIC until I started off learning how to create web pages with HTML, soon using CSS. Then I took a break, came back and learnt PHP. Once I grasped PHP, I moved onto C, having learnt PHP C came across as simple. I soon added SQL to the list of languages learnt and this helped me with PHP and databases. Then I became more interested in different languages; Perl, Objective-C, and others. I then moved onto C++ learning pretty quickly about the OOP side of it having already got the hang of C. Then I started to dabble in OSDev, so I picked up assembly pretty quick. Got interested more in assembly so I looked into writing 32 bit apps using MASM. I then moved onto mainly working in C/C++ with Win32 API. Over the last year I've been using C# and ASP.NET for some projects. If any new language comes around that looks interesting I'll probably pick that up too. For a more in-depth look at what I've learnt over the years you can visit: http://tombell.org.uk/blog/about/
  10. You were using functions specific to the 9.0 runtime. As for the .NET dependency for C#, most up to date Windows systems have the latest .NET framework installed. I also believe this is bad advice. Don't learn Assembly as your first language.
  11. Mono is far behind .NET 3.5 and I don't class Mono as the platform to learn C# on. If Mono were up to .NET 3.5 full standards things would be different.
  12. If you use Windows, and just want to code applications for yourself go with C#. C# allows you to create powerful applications very quick. It's simple to pick up and easy to use, and MSDN has documentation for everything.
  13. Just want to ask.. you kind of turned my software away Darren as it was not open source. Is this still the case? If not I have plenty of applications you can show or what-not.
  14. If you're against modding hardware.. WHY exactly are you hanging around this community? This is one of the very meanings of "hacking", making something do something it shouldn't.
  15. I'm from the old #hak5 on EFNet back in Season 1. :-)
  16. Hopefully the show will be as "good" as the set.
  17. I use the best tool for the job, if Chrome is better than Firefox in my opinion, I'll use it over Firefox. At the end of the day it's just a web browser, and I don't give two hoots about the philosophy behind it.
  18. No real features? It does what a web browser is suppose to do, browse the web. Too many people have become used to all the extras in Firefox they think all web browsers should be packaged with them. Sometimes people just want a web browser, not something that cooks, cleans, and gives you a... nevermind. Everyone is so quick to find flaws with new applications released it's unbelievable. I currently use Chrome as my main browser, and I've never missed any addons I had installed in Firefox. I prefer minimalist applications, and Chrome's user interface pulls it off. When you click download it goes to this page http://www.google.com/chrome/eula.html. So yes you do have the opportunity to cancel the download and read the EULA. It's web based installation, doesn't rely on user interaction making it simpler for non-techy people to use. Don't link the installer? Download the source and compile it yourself, it is open source after all.
  19. He's a bit of an attention whore, what with all those UFO claims and crap.
  20. Tasm and Tlink are years out of date and the fact they're 16 bit, you should probably use Nasm if you're serious about assembly.
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