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  1. I've been having the same problem running my keylogger from my micro cruzer. Here are some steps that may help. 1. In Universal Customizer: Put the auto run and the program it runs into the custom iso folder. 2. Run iso create. 3. Run Universal customizer. 4. After the Universal Customizer is done, make sure the thumbdrive is safe to remove, remove, then re-connect the thumb drive. The problem I have is the keylogger does not have enough room to create the log file on the cd partition, and I don't know how to recode the logger so it creates the log on my thumb drive instead of the cd partition. Maybe someone could take a look at the code? I'll post it if someone asks.
  2. Thanks, bloodsplat. I still can't get the auto run to work. I'll post a video of what I'm doing later.
  3. No, I can't seem to get it to work. I created an auto run .inf file [Autorun] open=k.exe Then I put the file in the u3 three custom folder, create the iso, and run the u3 customizer installerr. When the u3 custom installer finishes I remove the drive and reinsert it, but still I can't get the program to launch automatically. Is the auto run file wrong?
  4. Thanks, about that iso thought I don't know how to make one. If someone would show me I'd give it a shot.
  5. Link- http://www.hak5.org/packages/files/Universal_Customizer. What I did was drop the keylogger into the custom iso folder and created the iso with the create iso command. The problem is when I plug in the drive in the iso just opens the file the keylogger is in. Better explained in the video I prevously posted.
  6. Thanks to the person who told me about the u3 custon installer!!!!!! I used the u3 custom installer, created the iso, and installed it. Now when I plug my flash drive the file the program is stored in opens and thats it. How do I change it so nothing happens and the keylogger runs? Heres whats happening. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8zE2D2x0do How can I get it to launch silently?
  7. Could I use this to help me create the iso? http://wiki.hak5.org/wiki/Universal_U3_LaunchPad_Hacker ---I just read the Mcgrew secrity ariticle again and found this little gem. "So a lot of the steps I've outlined below are actually a bit more complicated than you really need to do. The Sandisk installer looks in the local directory for ISOs first, so you won't have to spoof their website anymore ;) " Now the question is what directory it looks in? Anybody have an idea? Guess all I need to do is create an iso and put it in the local directory?
  8. Some one sent me a like to a program called winimage. Heres the link http://www.winimage.com/winimage.htm From what I understand this will help me make an iso for my drive. Does wininage make iso files or does it convert scripts to iso files? (Still confused and a Newb)
  9. No, but thanks. What I want to do is hack my sandisk micro cruzer so it launches the keylogger when its plugged in (instead of u3) and runs it till I snatch the flash drive out. I want to be able to plug the drive in , walk away, and have the keylogger record keystrokes to the flash drive. I have the keylogger, now I just want it to open using the micro cruzer's virtual cd drive. I found a tutorial, but it is WAY over my head. http://mcgrewsecurity.com/research/hackingU3/ All I need is some one to explain is.... 1. Whats happening when I hack the drive. 2. How to set up the hack (how to flash a new iso to the drive) 3. How to code an iso that will open the keylogger whenever the flash drive is inserted. From what I understand any computer will let the keylogger automatically run because it shows up as a cd.
  10. Back on topic.... I found a guy who modified his own key logger just for this project. The URL is from another forum I posted the same question on. (You can download it there) (Where can I post this so people don't have to sign in on binary revolution's forum?) Modified Version http://www.binrev.com/forums/index.php?act...ost&id=2583 Original Version http://www.binrev.com/forums/index.php?act...ost&id=2557 Now that I found a key logger, can someone point me to a tutorial on how to hack my u3 sandisk cruzer micro to open this program automaticlly when inserted? Should I start a new thread? This one seems to have gotten off topic...
  11. Thanks for the tips everyone! Here's what I don't know..... Hacking the Drive 1. How can I set up a temporary apache server to flash the drive from. It's one of the steps close to the bottom. http://mcgrewsecurity.com/research/hackingU3 2. How do I write an iso file that will open a keylogger. How do I write an iso? What language should I learn? Is there an example I can learn from? Does any one know of any iso already made for my drive I can modify? Setting up the keylogger 1.What is a free keylogger that I can... install to the flash drive, leaves no trace, and stops when I remove it, and did I mention free? 2. Needs to be simple and compiled. I guess I could compile the code but I really don't know how to work a compiler since I've never coded. (Huge newb) The reason I don't want to leave a trace is the laptop belongs to the school and I.T. strongly discourages installing anything. (I once had a problem installing firefox on the same laptop.)
  12. I don't want anything complicated just a keylogger that saves the key strokes to the flash drive. I do not want it sent over the school's network. It would be nice if when I pulled the drive nothing was left of the computer and could be used again if needed.
  13. I'm a newb, I've read previous posts, but I still can't get a keylogger to auto run of my thumb drive. Like I said its a u3 enabled, cruzer micro 1gb drive. I'm confused about the scripts, finding a free keylogging program to run from the script, and saving the script to the u3 file system. If someone could post step by step instructions that would be great! Thanks! (Do I need a script or do I use the u3 script). I've been told I need to modify the read-only "CDROM" division of a U3 drive to read and write access. How can this be done? A user from the binary revolution forum gave this link. I'm kinda confused on the instructions so if someone could make it simpler for me that would be great! hxxp: mcgrewsecurity. com/research/hackingU3/ Can this be done without the user knowing or having to open anything. I want to be able to plug this in, have it run in the background, and record key strokes when I'm not in the class room. Edit-- In case your wondering the reason, we're having a problem with kids using the media laptop to check myspace at school and its really annoying and hard to catch them. I'm only in the room maybe 1 or 2 periods a day so its really hard to keep any eye on it. It is the only laptop in the entire school that has admin privileges on the network firewall. On occasion we use a clip or two from youtube or myspace in the monthly video we produce. This is not malicious in any way!!! (I don't know the forum rules yet). I eventually want to publish a simple walk through for hacking the u3 if it hasn't been done. P.s. This like is NOT helpful. Where is the "step 2" zip file it mentions??? http://wiki.hak5.org/wiki/Sandisk_U3_ISO_Hack
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