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  1. I was setup and was doing my thing and I was going through the packages and having a hard time understanding what was what because there's not much up a description tbh. But thats besides the point and not the reason I'm even here rn. I was doing this on my phone in my web browser and I accidentally hit openwrt nodogsplash Hotspot gateway install when i totally thought it was something else. Didnt want to rip the usb out and figured well ill be able to remove it...nope. Immediately its messed up my morning. I can still connect to management ssid and the open ssid and can get it connected to my computer through USB ethernet, but I cant get in the web interface. Its redirected me to the dang splash screen no matter what ive tried. I cant find anything online of much help and it appears my only solution then is a firmware reset? I know theres got to be a way to login or who the heck would want this package? But the documentation is weak and my heads about to explode. Any help would be great. If flash recovery is my only option, well it is what it is, but I do have to ask why? There needs to be a reset function like the nano and tetra in my opinion because this is way too much for a product over $100, way too complicated and time consuming. Maybe one day we can get some functionality like holding the button down for 7 seconds like past products? Right now that would be so nice? Ill settle though for some help to reverse this situation if at all possible before I flash recover the thing... Thx
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