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  1. Dang near a decade later... But wanted to say a few things that might help someone later clarify the mistakes of this thread. But my head was hurting just seeing the struggle here... Guys... This was WAY overcomplicated than it had to be. Hopefully this is the last comment that would even need to be said on this thread in regard to keystroke delays. I too once struggled with the keystroke delay, but it's because we commonly overthink the entire process, when we just need to step back and look at what's available and utilize what is already there. The common problem I see with keystrokes and newcomers writing their first scripts... The complaint is usually that there is no delay in between keystrokes when using STRING. For example: STRING what If you want to add a delay in between the keystrokes it's really quite simple. The comments above were on the right path by breaking it out into multiple lines so I would do something like: STRING w STRING h STRING a STRING t ETC... But you didn't need to add a delay between each line unless you need varying delays that are not consistent... THIS IS OVERKILL and bloated. All you need is to make sure the top of your script has: DEFAULTDELAY or DEFAULT_DELAY followed by the value you desire. This specific command is the interval that is by default utilized between each command by the rubber ducky itself. A lot of scripts I see a lot of people just using a value of 100 (might be slower than desired, but you can change it to whatever you want/need) (i.e. DEFAULTDELAY 100) To explain a little better: Since you're splitting your string up into multiple "STRING" commands, DEFAULTDELAY becomes the delay of choice between each keystroke BECAUSE you split your string up into MULTIPLE string commands and DEFAULTDELAY is the delay that is utilized by default "BETWEEN EACH COMMAND". So you only need to specify the delay once at the top of the script and you're good. There is and really was no need to add a "Keystroke Delay" such as was utilized on the old now non-existent iducke encoder that someone else had made. because you can just breakout your string into multiple string commands and use "DEFAULTDELAY" in this manner. The usage is just one time at the top of your script and that saves you from adding 2 and a half dozen "DELAY" lines to your script. To show how quick the bloat disappears compare ascorbic's example to mine, our scripts do the EXACT same thing with half the scripting: DEFAULTDELAY 1 STRING t STRING h STRING e STRING q STRING u STRING i STRING c STRING k STRING b STRING r STRING o STRING w STRING n STRING f STRING o STRING x STRING j STRING u STRING m STRING p STRING s STRING o STRING v STRING e STRING r STRING t STRING h STRING e STRING l STRING a STRING z STRING y STRING d STRING o STRING g Because we set our DEFAULTDELAY to 1. By "Default" there is a delay of 1 between each and every duck command. This of course changes if you need varying delays that are not equal, but for something such as this... it could be done to save you from bloat. You could even use this to debloat your main script and add additional delays where needed by using DELAY in a manner like you already are, whilst also taking advantage of DEFAULTDELAY. where you're delay just becomes DEFAULTDELAY + DELAY. Sometimes you really just want to keep it simple... and when it comes to things I have to type out... I keep it as simple and as few lines as possible. :) Hope this helps many realize that it's easy to get keystroke delays simply by using it this way.
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