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Everything posted by kickarse

  1. No pun intended but you lay in the bed you made. Grow the fuck up and tell her the truth. Be a man about it and perhaps she won't tell anyone you know that you're a horrible lay and she did it because she pitied your deplorable, selfish state. Did you ever think that she thought she had a lapse of judgment and was pretty much like "WTF did I do with this prick! I'm not even attracted to his bony ass."?
  2. I got 100... I guess I'm good enough to work for the Canadiens (french for Canadians). I might want to considering how the economy is so bombing incredibly fast.
  3. I wouldn't trade a Darren cookie for 1 BILLION Stanley nickles. It's just THAT good.
  4. fsck google... what about the awesome app that Mubix showed on s04e02!
  5. You could always use hashtab http://beeblebrox.org/hashtab/
  6. Anyone that is a CCNA, DB administrator (oracle, sql, postresgl, etc), security auditor is good in my book.
  7. Being from the Netherlands I'm surprised on how well you think you know US laws! Darren certainly said it best. But, really, it's a hacking show... don't watch it if you don't want to learn something useful. It's not like all this information isn't readily available. And to those who watch this and are first timers, it's most likely they wouldn't be able to pull this off anyways. So I'm not worried about a net of these getting out to get me wirelessly.
  8. There is it's called Safend Protector, lol.
  9. You could always run the app as a service. Also, I wrote something similar that I never released called USBeSafe. It pretty much does the same thing except that you can turn access completely off for any USB drives so you don't have to even worry about the OS seeing any files.
  10. You can add brother and cannon to that list too. But it wasn't the lexmark drivers that screwed everything up it was also just Printer Migrator. I used it without any lexmark drivers on the machine and it still screwed things. Also, v2.7 of FindHWIDS is out.
  11. At the moment it doesn't do the functions of CleanSPL. It's really meant only to replace Printer Migrator from MS. All it does currently is backup the printers from one machine with the ability to restore them to another, exactly as they were. It also gives you the opportunity to migrate your old LPR printer to standard TCP/IP. I wrote this because Printer Migrator 3.1 kept screwing up with Lexmark drivers and not connecting ports back properly when migrating from 2000 to 2003. I might add the functionality as CleanSPL. I've had CleanSPL also screw things up to the point where I've BSOD'd. Not fun...
  12. Also, you might want to check out http://www.fogproject.org/ I use this at work and it works nicely and it's free!
  13. Actually, it seems as though they've put more time into the community thus far. I'm really surprised on the amount of hacking and general interest topics all of the crew has posted in.
  14. I've got three applications that I've wrote. DopplePrinter - A program that will backup/restore all printers (not including UNC attached printers) to/from Windows 2000, XP and 2003 boxes. First release and I don't know if it'll screw your machine up. Similar to Microsofts Print Migrator 3.1 but mine actually works without breaking your box. http://sourceforge.net/projects/doppleprinter/ DriverForge - Installs drivers based on a location that you choose (recursively). You can also use compressed files to keep the size down. You can set it up to run automatically and silently. You can also run pre and post commands through it. My activity for this is mainly found on msfn.org and boot-land.net forums http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=213601 FindHWIDS - Will parse HWIDS from INF's in a location you choose (recursively). It will output the data to a CSV file, giving you version, HWID line and file name. You can also parse to the sysprep.inf file in order to support whatever MassStorage drivers you have. The sysprep option will NOT produce any duplicates. My activity for this is mainly found on the driverpacks.net forums http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=213601 As always, GPL licensing and there's no warranty if you machine dies or creates artificial intelligence and begins to take over the world.
  15. It's started! We aren't dead yet! YEAH! Although, the real beans and potatoes won't be for a day or two or something like that.
  16. Wess, we can only hope you stick around and be a part of it, whatever it you can.
  17. Ok you asked for show ideas... here's one http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_tap http://www.instructables.com/id/Make_a_Passive_Network_Tap/ http://www.altsec.info/active-network-tap.html http://www.altsec.info/passive-network-tap.html http://www.ossmann.com/5-in-1.html http://gd.tuwien.ac.at/infosys/security/snort/docs/tap/ http://www.infosecwriters.com/hhworld/hh9/roc/node4.html Then show how you can view the information that can be gathered from it. And why you might need one. http://www.securityfocus.com/infocus/1594
  18. I thought she was dating Wes? I don't think it matters... A little touchy on the subject?
  19. Congratulations, your dead body is worth $4825! Is it not a good thing to be healthy? lol... The highest i've gotten is Congratulations, your dead body is worth $8150!
  20. I would definitely choose a real life woman than a picture on the internet
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