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Everything posted by M4sh1lo

  1. Don't install linux on your macbook HD! I recommend you to install Kali on a Virtual Machine
  2. Your best tool for security is yourself...
  3. https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/c04559742
  4. https://forums.hak5.org/forum/94-packet-squirrel/
  5. The diference is: A DoS (Denial of Service) is a single machine attack, and DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) is a multi machine attack that can use botnets. An DoS attack can have multiple purposes, so for a good tutorial google it
  6. I'm looking for a good list of easy to explore CVE's to begin learning about exploit creation.
  7. https://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/meterpreter-service/
  8. Did you try to following the instructions for Debian?
  9. Try to run bundle install --path vendor/bundle
  10. What is the best way to protect me against MITM attacks under a public network?
  11. As far as i know in Japan is not prohibited to you buy these tools btw using it can be privacy invasion or anything else... Is best to you search about Japanese cybernetic laws
  12. You use payload in Metasploit not create a payload. You can use some encoder like shikata_ga_nai or some badchars to bypass some anti virus.
  13. The sims and Need For Speed
  14. Port scan any server is illegal?
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