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  1. Is it possible to use kali linux with a nanostation? There is a cafe just down the street but my laptop isnt able to pick up the internet connection. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. Greetings folks. Im pretty new to the thread but I thought this would be the best way to start learning and finding what I need. I currently live in Africa and its really hard to get good internet unless your paying $500+ per month. I am currently paying $200 a month and I get 2mbs. (I know its literally cancer for someone who is on the web 24/7). I am currently using broadband internet with a third party internet provider which is literally 5 people running a company. I wanted to know where I can start in regards to finding out how I am able to maybe hijack a signal and find someone else's connection or a backdoor into the network. I have a laptop on hand with kali linux installed. I also have a 6dbi Network USB card and a 9DBI antenna. Can anyone guide me in the right direction as to where i should start?
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