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Everything posted by SQU

  1. Hey guys, my problem is that I have just installed the Kali Linux VMware Image. I changed my pass and then I did an update (apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade). Now I get an error when I try to initialize the Metasploit databse with „msfdb init" : root@kali:~# msfdb reinit Database already started [+] Dropping databases 'msf' [+] Dropping databases 'msf_test' [+] Dropping database user 'msf' [+] Deleting configuration file /usr/share/metasploit-framework/config/database.yml [+] Stopping database [+] Starting database [+] Creating database user 'msf' Geben Sie das Passwort der neuen Rolle ein: Geben Sie es noch einmal ein: [+] Creating databases 'msf' [+] Creating databases 'msf_test' [+] Creating configuration file '/usr/share/metasploit-framework/config/database.yml' [+] Creating initial database schema rake aborted! NoMethodError: undefined method `without' for #<Bundler::Settings:0x0000564cdb9a7b70> Did you mean? with_options /usr/share/metasploit-framework/Rakefile:18:in `rescue in <top (required)>' /usr/share/metasploit-framework/Rakefile:12:in `<top (required)>' /usr/share/metasploit-framework/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/rake-12.3.0/exe/rake:27:in `<top (required)>' Caused by: LoadError: cannot load such file -- rspec/core /usr/share/metasploit-framework/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/backports-3.11.1/lib/backports/std_lib.rb:9:in `require' /usr/share/metasploit-framework/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/backports-3.11.1/lib/backports/std_lib.rb:9:in `require_with_backports' /usr/share/metasploit-framework/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/activesupport-4.2.10/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:274:in `block in require' /usr/share/metasploit-framework/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/activesupport-4.2.10/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:240:in `load_dependency' /usr/share/metasploit-framework/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/activesupport-4.2.10/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:274:in `require' /usr/share/metasploit-framework/Rakefile:13:in `<top (required)>' /usr/share/metasploit-framework/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/rake-12.3.0/exe/rake:27:in `<top (required)>' (See full trace by running task with --trace) Also when I start msfconsole there appears an error : root@kali:~# msfconsole /usr/share/metasploit-framework/lib/msf/core/opt.rb:55: warning: constant OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext::METHODS is deprecated When I type db_status in msfconsole it says it is connected, but when i search for something it says that the cache is not build yet. Anyone got a solution for this ? :/ Thanks in advance
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