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Posts posted by eKg1

  1. 17 minutes ago, eKg1 said:


    Thank you for the suggestion but this will only add a new tab to Chrome if Chrome is already opened. I am wanting to open a new window only, not a new tab. :lol:

    Hm, Well, I may be completely wrong here. It's strange, when I run "Start-Process "Chrome.exe"" on another machine, it pulls up Chrome in a separate window when Chrome is ALREADY open, but on my current machine it opens in a new tab when Chrome is open. Maybe I'm just crazy. Thanks for the help.:wacko:

  2. 12 hours ago, n00shE said:

    The following should open a new window.

    Add lines after with web addresses to open tabs in that new window.

    Start-Process "chrome.exe"



    Thank you for the suggestion but this will only add a new tab to Chrome if Chrome is already opened. I am wanting to open a new window only, not a new tab. :lol:

  3. Hello everyone!


    I recently ordered a Rubber Ducky and while I wait for it to get here I thought I would start setting up a script. What I want to do in short is the following..

    1. Open Powershell as Admin 

    2. Bypass UAC ✔

    3. Change the PS window size ✔

    4. Open Google Chrome in a NEW window, not as a new tab. The reasoning behind this is because I would like to open the Chrome window in front of the PS window so it can be hidden during script execution. I would potentially even want to open 3 or 4 tabs in the new window. I spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out how to open a new window but most of the time I could only open a new tab. (Yes, I had Chrome open during testing of the command via powershell.


    Any suggestions/improvements/ideas are greatly appreciated! I look forward to unleashing the DUCK.


    DELAY 1000
    GUI r
    DELAY 100
    STRING powershell Start-Process powershell -Verb runAs
    DELAY 2000
    ALT y
    DELAY 1000
    REM Obfuscate the powershell window
    STRING mode con:cols=18 lines=1
    STRING Start-Process "chrome.exe" "www.google.com" 

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