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Everything posted by mr_shades

  1. I've been following the video from Hak5 regarding using recon and PineAP to deauth and then capture clients in the pineapple tetra but cannot seem to actually capture any clients. The pineapple works well otherwise and the access point also works as intended. The landing page works when connecting to the access point from a client as well. I've been testing this on my home network to become more familiar with my pineapple and have been using an open 2.4GHz connection for the tests. In recon mode I can find my target and the MAC address, follow along in the video and everything else seems to work fine, but upon using the Deauth feature in recon the device simple reconnects after a few seconds and not to the pineapple. This is with the proper address in my filters and the allow setting turned on as well. Has anyone run into this issue or know of a fix? I do know the video is well over a year old so there may be some changes since then or something I'm missing but so far my searches have yielded little information that I've been able to use.
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