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Everything posted by marxengels02

  1. I think i stumbled across a solution for all things kernel-headers- AOSP on github i'm sharing 'https://github.com/pfalcon/android-platform-headers'
  2. I'm trying to compile wifi drivers for an android device, an LG G, which is running on marshmallow and cm13 . The kernel is 3.4 , i'm not able to get the original one because it's a custom built rom . I did find on github the kernel aimed at the device and the kernel cm13 is based on. both where used to craete the rom , i presume. I'm not certain which one of the two i should use for the wifi_drivers compilation though. I have the original drivers from realtek and source code aimed at the same kernel version i.e linux-kernel-3.4 (android) No kernel-headers-generic available nor $(uname-r) would work (firmware-realtek drivers are available from kali repo(kali chroot env /nethunter 3.15 built from repo with full kalifs - all_OK ! only missing external wifi mon_mode via y-otg, got usb mounting no problem ) I still wish to be able to compile these drivers myself though. I'm not sure if a linux-kernel3.4 armhf is a universal matching kernel (which means i could use ubuntu backports for Zezty and get a linux-goldfish-armhf copy of same version i.e 3.4_0-26) or do i need to use the specific one aimed at the device or even cm13 ? This is where i'm stuck, not to mention a failed compilation over & over ... "lib modules not found .." ..etc I have gnu-arm 4.8 compiler + armhf-cross so tools are not the issue , kernel modules/headers/files is device: 'https://github.com/marxenegls/android_kernel_lge_gee'. cm13: 'https://github.com/marxenegls/cyanogenmod_kernel_grouper'. Also do i just unpack the kernel source and use make to create the header files or do i actually need to install them on my x86_64 Ubuntu laptop in particular build directory where they don't conflict with onboard kernel ? Thanks for any feedback , i'm stuck on this for days now and it's starting to seriously weigh on me
  3. Hi Hak5'ers I'm marx engels from Benelux in Europe .I'm a hermetic geek and a curious observer of nature and the social sciences. I just got here even though i know this site and project for years , i've been a subscriber to the youtube channel for just as long. Darren seems very passionate, Mubix coolheaded , Pat informed and Shannon's great smile; ) I look forward to reading many informative post and follow up on inquisitive characters . Namaste
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