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  1. SpoonNet


    Thank you @sebkinne For those with similar issue: Q STRING COMMAND 'q' will work
  2. SpoonNet


    This was the best I could come up with Q STRING history -c Q ENTER Q DELAY 1000 rem Q STRING kill -9 '$$' rem Q ENTER rem Q DELAY 1000 Q STRING kill -9 '$(ps -p $PPID -o ppid=)' Q ENTER Q DELAY 1000 LED G
  3. SpoonNet


    Dear all I'm a newbie with BashBunny trying to figure out how to import a script that works flawless on RubberDucky. (I'm on a Mac Sierra) Most of commands are running ok, but after the "history -c" .... Q STRING "history -c" Q ENTER Q DELAY 1000 Q STRING "kill -9 $$" Q ENTER Q DELAY 1000 Q COMMAND Q Q DELAY 1000 LED G .... I get: neto:Desktop neto$ history -c neto:Desktop neto$ kill -9 350 -bash: kill: (350) - Operation not permitted neto:Desktop neto$ And then an annoying Logout window. On RubberDucky, after the history -c command it works perfectly and close terminal. What I'm doing wrong?? Thanks
  4. I'm an idiot and I should always read the wiki before asking stupid questions. I'm an idiot and I should always read the wiki before asking stupid questions. I'm an idiot and I should always read the wiki before asking stupid questions. I'm an idiot and I should always read the wiki before asking stupid questions. ssh to was trying to ssh to sorry all.
  5. Hi all! This is my first post here, hope the question is not very stupid. Everything seems to work here. Was able to ping the device on but when I try to log in it does not accept the hak5bunny password. Do I need to configure anything on the BB before trying to share WiFi from the Mac? Thank you!
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