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Everything posted by masterkorp

  1. After a bit of more digging I found that the file format is not quite the same, i did a search and managed to find the original us file. it appears to be a totally diferent format. I fount it with find / -name *.json and its located at /usr/local/bunny/lib/languages/us.json { "__comment": "All numbers here are in hex format and 0x is ignored.", "__comment": " ", "__comment": "This list is in ascending order of 3rd byte (HID Usage ID).", "__comment": " See section 10 Keyboard/Keypad Page (0x07)", "__comment": " of document USB HID Usage Tables Version 1.12.", "__comment": " ", "__comment": "Definition of these 3 bytes can be found", "__comment": " in section B.1 Protocol 1 (Keyboard)", "__comment": " of document Device Class Definition for HID Version 1.11", "__comment": " - byte 1: Modifier keys", "__comment": " - byte 2: Reserved", "__comment": " - byte 3: Keycode 1", "__comment": " ", "__comment": "Both documents can be obtained from link here", "__comment": " http://www.usb.org/developers/hidpage/", "__comment": " ", "__comment": "A = LeftShift + a, { = LeftShift + [", "__comment": " ", "CTRL": "01,00,00", "CONTROL": "01,00,00", "SHIFT": "02,00,00", "ALT": "04,00,00", "GUI": "08,00,00", "WINDOWS": "08,00,00", "CTRL-ALT": "05,00,00", "CTRL-SHIFT": "03,00,00", "ALT-SHIFT": "06,00,00", "__comment": "Below 5 key combinations are for Mac OSX", "__comment": "Example: (COMMAND-OPTION SHIFT t) to open terminal", "COMMAND": "08,00,00", "COMMAND-CTRL": "09,00,00", "COMMAND-CTRL-SHIFT": "0B,00,00", "COMMAND-OPTION": "0C,00,00", "COMMAND-OPTION-SHIFT": "0E,00,00", "a": "00,00,04", "A": "02,00,04", "b": "00,00,05", "B": "02,00,05", "c": "00,00,06", "C": "02,00,06", "d": "00,00,07", "D": "02,00,07", "e": "00,00,08", "E": "02,00,08", "f": "00,00,09", "F": "02,00,09", "g": "00,00,0a", "G": "02,00,0a", "h": "00,00,0b", "H": "02,00,0b", "i": "00,00,0c", "I": "02,00,0c", "j": "00,00,0d", "J": "02,00,0d", "k": "00,00,0e", "K": "02,00,0e", "l": "00,00,0f", "L": "02,00,0f", "m": "00,00,10", "M": "02,00,10", "n": "00,00,11", "N": "02,00,11", "o": "00,00,12", "O": "02,00,12", "p": "00,00,13", "P": "02,00,13", "q": "00,00,14", "Q": "02,00,14", "r": "00,00,15", "R": "02,00,15", "s": "00,00,16", "S": "02,00,16", "t": "00,00,17", "T": "02,00,17", "u": "00,00,18", "U": "02,00,18", "v": "00,00,19", "V": "02,00,19", "w": "00,00,1a", "W": "02,00,1a", "x": "00,00,1b", "X": "02,00,1b", "y": "00,00,1c", "Y": "02,00,1c", "z": "00,00,1d", "Z": "02,00,1d", "1": "00,00,1e", "!": "02,00,1e", "2": "00,00,1f", "@": "02,00,1f", "3": "00,00,20", "#": "02,00,20", "4": "00,00,21", "$": "02,00,21", "5": "00,00,22", "%": "02,00,22", "6": "00,00,23", "^": "02,00,23", "7": "00,00,24", "&": "02,00,24", "8": "00,00,25", "*": "02,00,25", "9": "00,00,26", "(": "02,00,26", "0": "00,00,27", ")": "02,00,27", "ENTER": "00,00,28", "ESC": "00,00,29", "ESCAPE": "00,00,29", "BACKSPACE": "00,00,2a", "TAB": "00,00,2b", "ALT-TAB": "04,00,2b", "SPACE": "00,00,2c", " ": "00,00,2c", "-": "00,00,2d", "_": "02,00,2d", "=": "00,00,2e", "+": "02,00,2e", "[": "00,00,2f", "{": "02,00,2f", "]": "00,00,30", "}": "02,00,30", "\\": "00,00,31", "|": "02,00,31", ";": "00,00,33", ":": "02,00,33", "'": "00,00,34", "\"": "02,00,34", "`": "00,00,35", "~": "02,00,35", ",": "00,00,36", "<": "02,00,36", ".": "00,00,37", ">": "02,00,37", "/": "00,00,38", "?": "02,00,38", "CAPSLOCK": "00,00,39", "F1": "00,00,3a", "F2": "00,00,3b", "F3": "00,00,3c", "F4": "00,00,3d", "F5": "00,00,3e", "F6": "00,00,3f", "F7": "00,00,40", "F8": "00,00,41", "F9": "00,00,42", "F10": "00,00,43", "F11": "00,00,44", "F12": "00,00,45", "PRINTSCREEN":"00,00,46", "SCROLLLOCK": "00,00,47", "PAUSE": "00,00,48", "BREAK": "00,00,48", "INSERT": "00,00,49", "HOME": "00,00,4a", "PAGEUP": "00,00,4b", "DELETE": "00,00,4c", "DEL": "00,00,4c", "END": "00,00,4d", "PAGEDOWN": "00,00,4e", "RIGHTARROW": "00,00,4f", "RIGHT": "00,00,4f", "LEFTARROW": "00,00,50", "LEFT": "00,00,50", "DOWNARROW": "00,00,51", "DOWN": "00,00,51", "UPARROW": "00,00,52", "UP": "00,00,52", "NUMLOCK": "00,00,53", "MENU": "00,00,65", "APP": "00,00,65" }
  2. I just installed this file on /languages/pt.properties and edited the config.txt and set DUCKY_LANG to pt. None of my scripts run now..
  3. Just found this: https://github.com/hak5darren/USB-Rubber-Ducky/blob/master/Encoder/resources/pt.properties Is something in these lines?
  4. Hello everyone, I would like to be able to use the Portuguese layout, I know that is not developed yet, will be wiling to develop one and share it just need help developing it :) What is the syntax of the file? Is there already available documentation? Regards, Alfredo Palhares
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