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Everything posted by Bitwise

  1. P.s. after the [enter] i'm also pressing [c]...
  2. Thanks for the replies.. I found a way to make it work.. Everytime i want to connect the bunny, i start bb.sh and select [G]uided then press [enter] twice, plugin the bunny and now somehow it gives me the right addresses..
  3. Hi, I just received my Bunny and wanted to start to play with it, but i'm stuck with the autoconfig for the ICS. Ran sudo ./bb.sh, did the guided config. everything went ok. Afer that i ssh-ed into from and tried pinging out to but didn get any response. So i checked my routes and saw that the default gateway was set to instead of my So removed default gateway with : route del default gw And added a new one: route add default gw Now i tried pinging again and it works, got a response. now if i reboot i have to do the del / add route procedure again to get a connection. Does anybody know how to resolve this?
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