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  1. The bash bunny do not change the language from US to dk
  2. Thanks for help. but I get the same error Payload ATTACKMODE HID VID_0X05AC PID_0X021E time=1734 LED R 200 DUCKY_LANG dk Q GUI SPACE Q DELAY 200 Q STRING https://www.youtube.com-feed-subscriptions Q ENTER LED G I have try adding DUCKY_LANG dk dk because I live in Danmark and it still typing wrong output httpsÆ--www.youtube.com+feed+subscriptions and I have try to fix it changing "dk.json" fill ind languages And I use Mac
  3. I have som problem with my Bash Bunny. who can I change my keyboard language
  4. Firestorm


    I have som problem with my Bash Bunny. who can I change my keyboard language
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