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  1. Doesn't seem like anyone has come up with a solution yet. I will say that on both my Macbook and my Ubuntu desktop machine, if I plug the Turtle in, my browser will not connect to the internet. However, if I restart the machine once the Turtle is connected, the browsers will connect afterwards. Chrome always throws a DNS error and I think Firefox did as well. Why would a reboot fix it but spontaneous plugging in renders the internet browsing useless? This could be troublesome for deployment.
  2. Fair enough, that does make sense. What if we used something like this? A new method to power the lan turtle would be needed of course. Another consideration then would be, can the LAN turtle supply DHCP IP addresses to multiple clients? Also (this is just my mind trailing), wouldn't the ethernet connection to the switch (router, etc) be both ways?
  3. Let's say I'm doing more than just attaching the LAN Turtle between a computer and the ethernet going to it. -- What if I attached it to a switch in a network room and provided the LAN Turtle power via USB power bank or something? Would all the computers connected to the switch be redirected by DNSMasq's spoofing?
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