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  1. Trying to get wifiphisher on the pineapple working is a huge pain, instead its easier to just make a portal for evil portal that can work as an evil twin. Someone made a portal here: https://github.com/teabot5000/Evilportal-wifi-connect but its super janky, mainly because its 2 years old now. Would anyone be up to either updating it or creating a new portal? This is the referenced wifiphisher project that I love https://github.com/wifiphisher/wifiphisher If anyone wants to help or just give me some advice that would be awesome.
  2. I believe its just an oxygen font, can't remember exactly. Hit me up if you need any work like this!
  3. Hi, Im a huge fan of the Hak5 community, I'm not much of a coder but I can work my way around using the rubber ducky and the pineapple nano. I really would like to support some projects but like I mentioned I am still learning, however I work as a graphic designer and I was thinking if anyone needs any specific GUI/general graphics then give me a shout! I know its not as useful as a debugger but I think I can offer a service, here is some of my older work. I appreciate any feedback thanks!
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