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Posts posted by nrohsakul

  1. I'm using the templates from the github page (to be specific the facebook-login portal) but the portal doesnt let me authorize. Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

  2. Hey guys, I had some problems with the handshakes the nano captures. Whenever I download the handshakes to my Windows machine to crack them with hashcat or aircrack-ng the cap file seems to be corrupted and doesnt work anymore. So my first thought was that there were no handshakes in the cap file. I tried to crack the cap file on the nano itself using aircrack-ng and it worked.. 

    I assume the cap file gets corrupted somewhere in the process of transfering the file to my windows machine. Do you guys have an solution to that ? Maybe some of you experienced the same problem.

  3. Finally got it up and running!

    I changed the exec method from:

    exec("killall -9 airodump-ng && cp -f /pineapple/api/wardrive-* /pineapple/modules/Wardriver/log/");

    to two seperate ones:

    exec("killall -9 airodump-ng");
    exec("cp -f /pineapple/api/wardrive-* /pineapple/modules/Wardriver/log/");


    Thanks a lot for your help newbi3 !

  4. 1 minute ago, newbi3 said:

    You module.php file needs to implement the route() method

    Got that already. Sorry that I'd only showed the function to you. 

    That would be my whole module.php:

    <?php namespace pineapple;
    class Wardriver extends Module
        public function route()
            switch ($this->request->action) {
                case 'scanForNetworks':
                case 'abortScan':
        private function scanForNetworks()
          $this->execBackground("airodump-ng --write wardrive --output-format kismet wlan1mon &> /dev/null ");
        private function abortScan()
          exec("killall -9 airodump-ng && cp -f /pineapple/api/wardrive-* /pineapple/modules/Wardriver/log/");


  5. 11 minutes ago, newbi3 said:

    Hey nrohsakul,

    You can see JS errors in your browsers developer console



    And I recommend showing PHP errors

    nano /etc/php.ini

    press crtl + w and search for "display_errors" and set it to "On"

    display_errors = On

    then restart nginx

    /etc/init.d/nginx restart

    Now your developer environment should be all good to go!

     Thank you very much newbi3 ! 

    Found the mistake in under a minute with your advice.

    Now I'm facing the next problem..

    I got this Button:

    <button type="button" class="btn btn-sm" ng-show="scanning" ngclick="abortScan()">Stop Scan</button>
    $scope.abortScan = (function() {
            module: 'Wardriver',
            action: 'abortScan'
          $scope.scanning = false;
    private function abortScan()
          exec("killall -9 airodump-ng && mv /pineapple/api/wardrive-01.kismet.csv /pineapple/modules/Wardriver/log/");

    Which should kill airodump-ng and move the log to the logs dir. But when I press it, nothing happens. 

    Any Ideas ?

  6. Hey guys, 

    Just started writing my first module for the NANO. I'm quite new to php, html and js. Maybe thats why I encountered some little problems here and there.

    The biggest one in the moment is: If I get the module on my NANO and try to open it - nothing happens. I assume I've got a syntax error or something, but just cant find it. 

    Is there a way to get some output, so I see the error messages that would pop up ?

    Or maybe someone of you could help me with my code. Its here on github: https://github.com/nrohsak/TestModule

    Thanks in advance 

    greetings nrohsakul

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