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Everything posted by LordLoki

  1. The feds are so worried about not being able to intercept our traffic that they feel they have to restrict our ability to secure OUR OWN data. In the end all they are going to do i make their citizens as a whole vulnerable to other people intercepting our data and taking advantage of our inability to protect ourselves. They need to realize that people arent just encrypting data to hide it from the prying eyes of OUR OWN government, but to protect it from the VAST threat from other criminals who would love nothing more than to see the government put up in the position where we can no longer keep our data safe.
  2. Im sorry for the noob question in advance. Im looking for a secure FREE VPN solution, by secure i mean i don't want anyone monitoring my traffic or intercepting it. The few i have tried were complete crap, they were VERY slow and injected ads at a very ridiculous rate. I understand by nature a VPN is going to be a lot more sluggish than not using a VPN, i just feel like there is a better solution than the ones i have tried. ANY help or recommendations would be Greatly appreciated. If you have a VPN that is worth paying for, feel free to mention it. Thanks in advance guys. Much Love -Loki
  3. I agree with cooper completely i think its just a bug with the keyboard not the OS although Windows 10 is buggy as all get out for me, but that's a discussion for a different time.
  4. Not Sure if this should be here or in its own topic, but I have heard of people booting different Linux distros on a ps4. My question is, is this a myth or is it really possible to boot Linux on a PS4. If so how does this work. Im not looking for a step by step guide on how this is achieved i would just like to understand the process a bit. Much Love -Loki
  5. Thank you, to everyone who contributed to this topic. Thanks to you guys, we have a good solid mass of information to start learning the skills we need. Much Love -Loki
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