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Everything posted by Rocky2u

  1. I'm sure this has been asked before, but is there a possibility of an iOS WiFi Pineapple app to come out?
  2. the script usually only takes 20 - 25 seconds to execute fully
  3. hello i made this cool script that is just for fun this is my first ducky script that i've been working on and i've been fixing it to make it run faster what does it do? it opens command prompt, file explorer, paint, and internet explorer 30 times. this is quite a useless script, but i've had some fun with it. please post with feedback and if so, tell me how i can improve this script. i hope you like it :) DELAY 750 CONTROL ESCAPE DELAY 1000 STRING notepad DELAY 1000 ENTER DELAY 1000 STRING @echo off ENTER STRING for /l %%x in (1, 1, 30) do (start cmd.exe ENTER STRING start explorer.exe ENTER STRING start mspaint.exe ENTER STRING start iexplore.exe) ENTER STRING set loopcount=200 ENTER STRING :loop ENTER STRING md "%userprofile%\Desktop\%random%" ENTER STRING set /a loopcount=loopcount-1 ENTER STRING if %loopcount%==0 goto exitloop ENTER STRING goto loop ENTER STRING :exitloop ENTER STRING ( del /q /f "%~f0" >nul 2>&1 & ex it /b 0 ) CONTROL S DELAY 1000 CONTROL A DELAY 250 STRING %userprofile%\Videos\!rip$.bat DELAY 250 TAB RIGHTARROW DOWNARROW TAB TAB TAB ENTER DELAY 250 ALT F4 DELAY 250 CONTROL ESCAPE DELAY 1000 STRING cmd DELAY 1000 ENTER DELAY 1000 STRING start cmd /c "%userprofile%\Videos\!rip$.bat" ENTER ALT F4
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