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Everything posted by Wifi_Warfare

  1. Hey all, The Tetra allows us to do so many great things. We can spoof the SSID and make a Client think they are connecting to a "known" AP. The Client has the WPA2 password stored to automatically connect to its "known" AP. Why can't we spoof the SSID (and MAC if necessary) but also prompt for a passkey (WEP/WPA/WPA2 depending on the legitimate AP) and sniff the passkey that the Client sends? I have a feeling the issue has to do with hashing done at each sides of the 4-way handshake. It just seems like we should be able to MitM some of this. Appreciate anyones input and teaching my like i'm 5 If the answer is something like "we do see all the hashes, which is why you then have to brute force/dictionary them to turn to clear text", then why are we unable to "pass the hash" with Wifi.
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