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Everything posted by thatprogrammer

  1. The wiki is a great resource for getting started: https://github.com/hak5darren/USB-Rubber-Ducky/wiki
  2. You should consider more secure alternatives, this would be a very insecure method of storing passwords. In other words, if your rubber ducky is compromised so are your credentials.
  3. 1. Yes 2. Depends on what method you use to spawn the reverse shell, you have many options. You may use a simply netcat listener, a meterpreter payload handler, PowerShell empire payload handler, etc. 3. In the post-exploitation phase you could upload mimikatz, or, if you are using something like Powershell Empire to spawn the reverse shell then that functionality is built right in, and can be loaded right into memory without ever touching the disk (AV bypass).
  4. Did you verify the user account has Administrative privileges?
  5. Hey there, My name is leo (if you didn't already convert my username to ASCII) and I've been a white hat pen tester for some time now, and just doing my first set of physical assessments and I just couldn't ignore this amazing tool (kudos!). I've already built some very powerful/useful payloads, however, I am wondering if it is possible to write data back to the MicroSD card assuming the environment we are targeting is segmented from the internet? Thanks in advance!
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