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Everything posted by kleo

  1. kleo

    Evil Portals

    Update Include yah-login template. Minor fix on input, enable autofocus on email field, disable autocorrect, and disable autocapitalize. Need help on cleaning up the template code.
  2. Install to sd opkg install --dest sd package Also recommend on reinstalling python installed on the device first to prevent errors like missing libraries. opkg remove python* opkg remove python* opkg --dest sd install python
  3. I recommend 1. On your ethernet adapter properties, sharing tab, turn off ICS Allow other network users to connect through this computer's Internet connection. 2. IPv4 Properties on the Wifi Pineapple Nano interface to obtain IP address automatically. 3. Go back to your ethernet adapter properties, sharing tab, turn on ICS Allow other network users to connect through this computer's Internet connection. 4. From there the Wifi Pineapple Nano should have IP address, now change that to and subnet mask to Note: Make sure you have properly setup your ethernet adapter properties, IP address and DNS server.
  4. That would be the Evil Portal module while it is readily available in the Pineapple bar, I highly suggest using the Evil Portal 2.9 beta, manual installation instructions can be found there.
  5. Have you tried using a lower storage capacity sd card? It may be that the WiFi Pineapple Nano does not support 128 GB sd card. Edit: It does support up to 128 GB sd card as specified at https://wifipineapple.com/
  6. This is rather sketchy, I think you need to prove that you haven't replaced the wifi pineapple with an alfa-usb-wifi-awus036neh. A photo upon opening the kit perhaps?
  7. Willian I'm not against you man, I was just kidding.
  8. This does not sound suspicious at all.
  9. Any workarounds on initial run of powershell taking up so much time to open the uac dialog? Either choosing longer payload execution time or plugging in twice.
  10. Have you followed the wiki on connecting the LAN Turtle? https://lanturtle.com/wiki/#!./index.md#Connecting_for_the_first_time
  11. I prefer the Ralink RT5370, very cheap and no problems with compatibility across devices.
  12. Have you tried looking it up? http://lmgtfy.com/?q=LG+K7+sim+card+unlock
  13. If you are using Windows you'll first need to download install git-scm from here. From your desired folder right click and start up git bash. Download the repository. Enter the following command: git clone https://github.com/hak5darren/USB-Rubber-Ducky You need to download and install Java Runtime Environment (JRE), after that you can now run the Ducky_Encoder_GUI.jar. On Linux simply enter the following on the terminal: apt-get update apt-get install git-core apt-get install default-jre git clone https://github.com/hak5darren/USB-Rubber-Ducky cd USB-Rubber-Ducky/ chmod +x Ducky_Encoder_GUI.jar ./Ducky_Encoder_GUI.jar
  14. I'd rather follow the second tip, much simpler imo. Yeah, I don't think you can change the keyboard layout of your Arduino Micro.
  15. It is caused by the keyboard layout used by the OS. I assume your target is using the UK keyboard.You can change the keyboard layout for your Arduino Tools>Keyboard Layout to US English. Or rather much simple solution is to use double quotes key on your arduino to type the at key instead. Also do mind escape characters.
  16. My go to would be https://github.com/sophron/wifiphisher very easy to use but very limited templates, but you could make your own. I don't think it supports https though. Also would recommend https://github.com/xtr4nge/fruitywifi but would take time to learn and use.
  17. Looking for YSO for sale to directly ship here at my country at South East Asia. If you got one for sale please pm me with price.
  18. Have you configured ICS properly from Windows? Or use the wp6.sh for Linux?
  19. Is your listener properly configured? Is it started? While creating the payload did you type in the LHOST and LPORT correctly? Have you tried reinstalling the payload?
  20. Check your locale settings. Or do `dpkg-reconfigure locales` and selecting your preferred locale, or most preferably `en_US.UTF-8` or `de_DE.UTF-8`
  21. You can start by checking if your webserver is running. Then see if port 80 is forwarded canyouseeme.
  22. kleo

    Evil Portals

    Evil Portals A collection of portals that can be loaded into the Evil Portal module and can be used to capture credentials. Usage and more; https://github.com/kbeflo/evilportals/ I'd be happy to hear about issues, and suggestions. Feel free to ask anything, contribute new templates, and improve the project.
  23. Recently created templates for the Evil Portal, link on my sig.
  24. Gonna try this out with an RPI 3B, I hope it is powerful enough tho.
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