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Adam Smith

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Posts posted by Adam Smith

  1. Hi,

    I've been trying to upload a .vbs file to a remote machine in a meterpreter session without success. This problem also occurs with .exe files so it's not the .vbs file type not being supported.

    I've tried this:

    upload root/Desktop/program.vbs c:\\Users\\i7479\\Desktop

    This returns:

    [-] Error running command upload: Errno:ENOENT No such file or directory @ rb__file_s__stat - root/Desktop/program.vbs

    The paths for these files are both correct, it just can't find the program to be uploaded...

    Does anyone know how to carry this out? Should such a basic command be so tricky to execute? This doesn't work on Armitage (GUI) either btw...

  2. Hi,

    I've been trying to upload a .vbs file to a remote machine in a meterpreter session without success. This problem also occurs with .exe files so it's not the .vbs file type not being supported.

    I've tried this:

    upload root/Desktop/program.vbs c:\\Users\\i7479\\Desktop

    This returns:

    [-] Error running command upload: Errno:ENOENT No such file or directory @ rb__file_s__stat - root/Desktop/program.vbs

    The paths for these files are both correct, it just can't find the program to be uploaded...

    Does anyone know how to carry this out? Should such a basic command be so tricky to execute? This doesn't work on Armitage (GUI) either btw...


  3. navigating threw a files system where a directory includes spaces is frustrating.

    Does tab completion work? Type the first sevral leters of the folder then press tab.

    ls name(tab or double tab)

    What about wild cards?

    ls name*

    ls name\ of\ folder\ location

    The slash enables the space to be read (not sure if my illiterate brain has served this up properly)

    You will find special characters will give you the same problem... if your file or folderhas fancy chars in it, place a slash befor it...

    "Name of location(2015)"

    ls Name\ of\ location\(2015\)



    \ <---space

    Thanks a million mate, tab completion didn't solve the issue, but using backslashes did.

    For example:

    cd \Windows\ Defender


  4. Hey guys,

    I recently came across an error or "glitch" which involves the browsing in a remote machine's files in meterpreter shell. I noticed that with files that have a space or many spaces in their name cannot be opened. The meterpreter shell returns the following error:

    [-] stdapi_fs_chdir: Operation failed: The system cannot find the file specified.

    This is especially annoying as one cannot access obvious locations such as Program Files since there is a space. I have tried using an underscore instead or just omitting the space, with no luck.

    What do you guys think?


  5. Hi

    This may seem like quite a weird question. I came across this video on YouTube where this Dutch guy was apparently hacking stuff such as a train station large display, or a bridge, or sending mass SMSs using "cellbroadcasting". At first it seemed very difficult to believe but after a while I noticed that it may very well be possible since he works with some IT company and ther is a legit interview with him. The comments section is mixed however, and I am attaching a link to the video so you can see for yourself.



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