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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. ...you're telling... ...yourself.. ..to... ...put... ...the... ...camera away...? ...wtf...?!
  2. moonlit


    No. No, you're not. Winners don't do warez. <cut short due to certain impending rant>
  3. Oh sorry, my bad... if it is possible then it will take a lot longer... same rules apply as previous comment (well except the 'months' part) ;)
  4. lol go back through everything you've ever posted (your profile, click View all posts by <yourname>) and you'll be VERY scared ;)
  5. it would take a LOT longer, it would likely take months to calculate tables undetected
  6. Didn't a bunch of people tell you to change that avatar spektormax? *sigh* @ thread
  7. woah, that's one hell of a bump...
  8. constantly reposting threads about things we class as somewhat off-limits due to their nature and reposting repeatedly when his threads got locked
  9. Nerds have no social skills whatsoever, Geeks have social skills (sometimes limited but enough to get by usually) but in general choose not to be social through dislike of people in general or the thought that they have better things to do with their lives... Nerds are social outcasts by design, Geeks are (often, not always) social outcasts by choice though many do participate in social events or gatherings occasionally. Both are generally intelligent and well mannered, geeks tend be more associated with computers while nerds are generally viewed as being unusually good learners in all areas and often are insulted and isolated for this. I suppose in a way you could say that geeks are more socially adept because they're nerds who've become advanced enough to tone down their intelligence while around company or who have learned to accept society is not going to go away so at least appearing to temporarily fit in can be advantagous. I am a Geek. :)
  10. Well said once again VaKo...
  11. Woah, that was hard to find... Did you mean http://www.hak5.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=726?
  12. I think that was mine, hold on I'll see what I can dig up... Unfortunately I no longer have the hacked files since I upgraded to Server 2k3 and the hack was for XP (though while it would also work on Windows 2003 the same files won't so they have to be hacked for each revision of XP/2k3)...
  13. Some cool suggestions, liking the Locked Threads area, that proves amusing on other forums, great for a laugh when you're pissed at noobs... The switcharound sounds interesting though I'm still not sure it'll keep the idiots to the right place... Oh, and thanks a lot VaKo, I was waiting for that little <censored> to GTFO :)
  14. Note to the new: If your prime reason for signing up here was to: Ask us to hack a website, Find someone's password, Hack MSN/Yahoo/AIM or any other kind of instant messenger or email, Help you hack a school network, Make youself look 1337 to your friends, Help you own someone's box, To learn how to severely piss off teachers or classmates or To whine that you box was hacked and you need to wreak revenge, then please look elsewhere, it's not happening here, we're not going to help you, don't waste your time posting about it. Your post will be either hijacked and filled with people who are going to insult you for being an idiot or it'll be locked or deleted. It's a waste of your time, our time (except it's sometimes amusing to laugh at these posts) and it is, ultimately, completely pointless. So please, think carefully before you post asking for any of this information. Welcome to those who aren't here for these reasons, btw ;) Edit: We also don't support piracy so please don't ask for crackz, serialz, warez, where to find them, how to use them, how to burn your freshly torrented Windoez Ex-Pee iSOZ 2 a CEEDEE cuz u needz ti 4 skule... Edit 2: If the moderators lock a thread it's for a reason. Do not post the same question again because if the last one got locked or deleted that's exactly what's going to happen to the next one, and the next, and the next... Worst case scenario you'll get banned so please be warned. We encourage new members to participate but it's a 2 way street... if you would be kind enough to respect the few rules we have in place here then we will be only too happy to help you when you need it... Again, I'll clarify that we DO LIKE new members but if you do have a problem that needs solving then please try to help yourselves before you rely on us to tell you the answers. Google is most certainly your friend but by all means if you can't find the answers you need there, please don't hesitate to ask here but we can tell when people don't try and I think I speak for the majority when I say it's irritating being relied on for tech support when the answer is right in from of you should you choose to find it,
  15. Yeah that's absolutely fine, nothing wrong with that whatsoever...
  16. I like special source on my fries...
  17. Ewww... That's a REAL bad thing to have scratch and sniff on...
  18. To see my desktop, VNC to 210.33.82... nah, never mind... ;)
  19. ...a little hot?! ...A LITTLE HOT?! ...damn, what are you used to running, 286s?! ...Oh, I mean they're good... :)
  20. it'd probably lock the files so they can't execture if it can't delete them you'll have to encrypt the files in a rar and extract them after the AVKiller has done its job
  21. Oh, never mind it's back, must've been a glitch :)
  22. Now now children... Oh, and Sparda: your image is broken.
  23. moonlit

    PSP Iso's

    Oh sorry, I meant to lock this when I posted the last message. If this is for legitimate public domain games then yes, I believe TomB is right, run them from memory stick if you have older firmware. Google will be your friend as I don't have a PSP. If this is to pirate games the Winners Don't Do Warez.
  24. I really hope you mean that it'll definitely go on a USB key, if you mean you guarentee it's safe in terms of security then I would recommend that you think a little harder about that.
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