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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. ...and confirming that you do actually exist, that is actually your email address and you are actually opening their spam?
  2. moonlit

    need help

    same happens with webcam/voice chat too I believe...
  3. 1. Don't believe anything you read on the internet, including your email. 2. Close your email account. 3. Hide behind the sofa. 4. ... 5. Profit!
  4. argh! what did you do?! where's my body?! ... why's everything in black and white? ... where is everyone? ...help....? ... *whimper*
  5. Hehe thanks ^_^ On topic though, Garda's right... if you took the dynamo bicycle iPod charger idea would work... if you add some sprockets and a handle you have a hand-powered iPod charger... it's renewable and it's environmentally friendly (might make your arm ache though...) ;)
  6. lol I can't actually assign Certified Noob status but you're right, those things do piss me off ;)
  7. moonlit

    need help

    Just a stab in the dark here but do you mean you want to send output to MSN so it sends it to you?
  8. moonlit

    need help

    But it was... it was pointless and helped no-one. If you don't know what someone's asking, either ask him to clarify his question or don't bother.
  9. moonlit


    http://www.hak5.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2982 D'oh. brain://Antee.hak5.org 404 Not Found.
  10. the only downside to energy drinks though, especially if you don't drink enough water, is that caffeine is a diuretic which basically means it'll make you pee a lot... combined with alcohol it can really dehydrate you... the vitamins and stimulant effects are good in the morning though, just make sure you drink enough water with it.
  11. Meh... water, sleep, Dr Pepper or Coca Cola (the real stuff, not defcaf, sugar free or any of that crap) and maybe one or two caffeine pills when you wake up, if it's particularly bad, take 1 indigestion tablet every few hours and painkillers when required. Food at the earliest possible moment without throwing up and make it something hot. You could probably suppliment the soft drink with tea/coffee if you don't eat anything hot. To be honest I tend to skip everything after the caffeine pills (except the food, gotta have food) usually since getting on with the day and not feeling sorry for yourself works wonders...
  12. Shhh! Don't ruin a good thing! Nah, just don't do it too often ;)
  13. Damn, I want some of that! Hangover or no hangover, that's some good stuff! I always found a good breakfast for college (especially after being out drinking, hence posting it here ;)) used to be those rolls with the assorted seeds on the top with a hot spicy cajun chicken fillet or two, topped with a couple of slices or cheese... a couple of those and a bottle or two of energy drink... sets you right up for college! I love supermarkets with hot meat counters near colleges!
  14. No but you're beginning to get irritating, you replied here to a thread that was dead with a pointless post, you changed your avatar so just about the largest avatar I've ever seen anyone try and get away with (after we've asked you already to get a smaller one) and you (intentionally or otherwise) pointed someone to what appeared to be a spam site. I don't like to act funny towards members but that only works if they co-operate.
  15. Jedi Speak is a tool, you tool...
  16. Server. Server, moron, mIRC is a client... Way to bump a thread with shite...
  17. He said he thinks he'd look a goof in them... ;)
  18. Moonlit recommends VideoLAN Client. VLC ftw!
  19. No problem, hope it's mostly correct though...!
  20. It's actually near the Windows XP logos but it appears to be blank, it's all handled by bizarre pallettes, loads of guides online ;)
  21. In theory I suppose it would be easy to generate a voltage using an electric motor (small, low voltage) with fan blades attatched... something like: Motor D1 C1 ---[Device]-----( )------>-------| |---- | - + - + | |________________________________| That's going to be incredibly inefficient but IIRC in theory it would work. I hope I have the components in the right places/right polarities but it's an area I'm a little hazy on.... C1 = Capacitor D1 = Diode The motor (or more accurately the generator) will output AC current where your device will need DC... The diode will allow current to only flow in 1 direction as DC does and the capacitor should store a little extra to smooth out the DC... AC Waveform that would come from the motor: + / / / / --------------- 0v / / / - Now that AC coming from the motor, when 'fixed' by the diode, will look like: + / / / / / ----------------- 0v - Notice how there's gaps between the peaks? the current that flows in the other direction has been cut out. This is why you need the capacitor (though I'm not entirely convinced I've put it in the right place, anyone correct me?)... You need to try to smooth out those gaps to get steady DC current to charge your device... Waveform of slightly rectified AC: + /'-./'-./'-./'-./'-. ----------------------- 0v - DC (what you're looking for): +_________________ -------------------------- 0v - Now in theory with all that done you could spin the electic motor using wind power and it *should* output current to your device (though I suspect that unless you choose the motor well it'd be hard to turn fast enough to generate enough power to charge an iPod... maybe?) USB outputs a maximum of 5v @ 500mA just for reference so aim for that. Hope that's helped and good luck...! Feel free to flame me if I'm way off course here ;)
  22. roflmao! I hadn't seen that before :p
  23. I suppose you could use it as a quick shutdown... plug in, computer shuts down, forcing all apps to close... But that's what the power button's for :/
  24. You know, I wasn't aware of this, I dunno whether anyone else was... Thanks for that heads-up ;)
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