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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. The link he gave didn't work but I'm guessing it's one of those little cameras with no removable memory and a resolution of 800x600 or (much) less... If it is one of these then take note: they can be very flakey sometimes so you might have to try a few times to make it work.
  2. moonlit

    CPU help

    Oh dear. Oh dear, oh dear. Oh dear, oh dear, oh*slaps himself* Yeah, it's not certain but there's a fair chance you're gonna need a new CPU...
  3. You unplugged the camera, uninstalled the drivers, restarted, installed the drivers from the CD that are designed for your OS and then after all that (or when the app on the CD told you to) plugged the camera back in?
  4. Uninstall the drivers, insert the CD, *follow the instructions*, then plug in the camera when it tells you or when it's finished.
  5. Well they're either using Windows Remote Desktop Protocol or some kind of custom VNC software I guess... to idiot-proof something is usually to make it insecure... I don't actually know anything about it though so... meh... Edit: If you let Dell customer support take remote control of a computer, don't piss them off, hope they've had a good day and get ready to pull the power cord out...
  6. Like editing the registry and formatting after midnight, I recommend against it unless you really have to. If you don't really know how to flash and that's the drive you use all the time then I'd leave it and skip the possibility of DL burning. There is a chance it's true, that it could burn DL with a firmware cross-upgrade but it's probably better not to risk it.
  7. I must be a noob then, the guy's done well... he took an opportunity and ran with it and now he's a very rich man.
  8. Probably, builders of all kinds do have a rep for that kind of thing ;)
  9. I say go for the 4800+ out of those two if you can stretch the extra $50... I wouldn't restrict myself to AMD these days though ;)
  10. Thanks, saved me busting vein or something there ;)
  11. so Linux should have a... a... umm... ahh... well, maybe the OSX dock should be the Apple Maggot?
  12. Dell AT102W... It clicky! Mine kinda needs a clean real bad though... Edit: Not mine, borrowed from an eBay listing: You can't see it but it's big, it's heavy and it's nigh on indestructable... ...and clicky!
  13. Oh, classic list there Cooper, good work ;) Oh so true! The accuracy! The pain of once again realising how many of these people there are... Oh.. :(
  14. Simple answer: Flash it with the LiteOn firmware and see if it can burn DL discs... Do so at your own risk, flashing drives can be dangerous if you don't know what you're doing, even more so if you're flashing to another drive's firmware. My HP DVD+/-RW/RAM drive is currently running as an LG drive and it doesn't seem to mind... I lost LightScribe functionality but I don't use it anyway... I flashed it because the drive sucks and I tried to make it at least a little more reliable. Alas it doesn't seem to have worked but it's not worse either so I'm not worried... I'm just gonna get a new drive anyways...
  15. Dude, I think you're supposed to point the side with the funny shiny circle at whatever you're taking the picture of... Either that or you seriously need a neck brace...
  16. moonlit

    need help

    I don't think it shows it but you could probably grab it using a couple of smart API calls...
  17. moonlit

    Nat to Nat

    Clearly he's never heard of a search engine...
  18. For entirely legal content I presume?
  19. heyyyy bebbie... wanna come read my source for me? :p
  20. Talk to the admins and explain why you want to do this. Chances are they'll probably say no but if they do it's for good reason.
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