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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Oh, I didn't know that, thanks for the info :)
  2. moonlit


    Windows: Woops, that should've been done yesterday...
  3. Eek! Easy on the colours there Kyu ;) Welcome to the forums though ^_^
  4. Yes there is. In computers the case matters a lot more than you might imagine. Humans see, for example, "a" as the same letter as "A". That's great but a computer doesn't relate those two characters at all unless told to, they are two different numbers and as such are totally different. Hope that helped, Moonlit
  5. I think the answer's 3198 but I'm not sure what the deal is with those...
  6. moonlit

    CPU help

    Yeah it you scratch a trace on the mobo then it could be the mobo that's dead (and possibly the CPU as a result...)...
  7. You got it boss, if he comes near IRC he's gone and if he comes back here you'll be the first to know.
  8. But wouldn't that be exploitable and thus defeating the object of the closed kernel? :/ Yea, i think it was actually something that they didn't want to do but they had to compromise because all the AV companies were bitching about it. i guess in this case for once i don't actually feel all that bad against Microsoft. It's almost like they were forced to put holes in their OS so that the AV guys would have something to do See where this is going? :)
  9. But wouldn't that be exploitable and thus defeating the object of the closed kernel? :/
  10. moonlit

    New Forums!

    That songs really annoying! I got it on a Dr. Demento CD! I love that track! /me loops it
  11. moonlit

    New Forums!

    Yeah? My 19" can do 320x240 @ 60Hz then so can your 17"... No white bars...
  12. moonlit

    New Forums!

    Working on that, again, its a software limitation at this stage. I can't name all the ranks as "-" or similar, and my only recourse is to redo the graphics or rename them as 1, 2, 3, etc Maybe for compatibility with text and real-aloud browsers?
  13. I have nothing to say so I'll second VaKo's no comment.
  14. moonlit


    Aye aye I have a cheapo no-name MP3 player and it works great ^_^
  15. Oh yeah, make sure you have a crapload of bandwidth and don't allow warez trading... I say that because: 1) It's illegal. 2) It's gonna swallow bandwidth real quick.
  16. 80 people? That's a lotta computers/space/tables/chairs/power/power outlets/cat5/etc...
  17. You mean emulated rather than ported, right?
  18. Ooooh yeah, some of these people need to stop mindlessly talking crap because they've been mis-informed. See below: "omfg linux is so kool its better than windows and cant be hacked and never crashes and windows sucks cuz bill gates is the devil and m$ sucks balls cuz linux rocks so much and im a uber-l1337 h4x0r cuz i use linux and u sux cuz u is on microshit pos os that cant do anythin and apple sux too cuz its jus crap" I rest my case.
  19. moonlit


    Not really, 60GB is easily enough for plenty of music and still a crapload of room left...
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