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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Sweet! That looks like an awesome app, I'd try it if I had enough cameras... Not all that expensive either, considering ^_^
  2. nah I use freewebs but they're not that bad... though I don't host any actual web pages, I just use it as a file repository...
  3. if its posts get deleted they get removed from its post count...
  4. Problem: Symantec yell about how they loose loads of business if MS patch up their OS to make it secure. Solution: Shut down or downsize Symantec. Seriously, if they're saying MS should be made to sell a flawed OS for their benefit they should be laughed out of court. That's like saying Ford needs to sell cars with crap parts so garages get more trade. Ludicrous. Edit: I've noticed this post is actually kinda off topic... and possibly inaccurate. But I'm gonna leave it here 'cos it does apply to the MS Vs AV companies thing :)
  5. fucking A! dude, I love it! it works perfectly, fits right in to the theme!
  6. Ooooh! Are these changes perminant? /me likes the 'ad infinitum' theme ^_^
  7. So that's why the header image wasn't showing... Now it all makes sense!
  8. Because it's not supposed to. Read. The. Wiki.
  9. Damn right, and so would most other admins.
  10. moonlit


    If you want an image in your sig find out from Google, we don't encourage them because people get stupid with large images. Oh, and you don't need HTML turned on.
  11. Ehh... *hands Sparda a tissue*
  12. Not to worry, Sparda has a tendancy to jump to conclusions... *kicks Sparda's ass* Please, continue ;)
  13. The Short Bus (http://www.hak5.org/forums/viewforum.php?f=22) is where we dump dumb threads, repeated threads and flamewars :)
  14. Hmm... Not particularly impressed by the overall mod but I did like the creative phone motor/pen/melted plastic pump idea, very imaginative... I wonder what sort of volume that little thing can push though...
  15. I find I can't write creatively in MS Word, I tend to either use Notepad for jotting quick notes or Wordpad for being creative.
  16. “A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on.†- William S. Burroughs Both so true... Oh so frighteningly true...
  17. Dells are cheaper, generally look nicer and do the same thing? ;)
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