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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Considering how inflammatory this could become and how far off topic this has gone I think it's time we ended this. Locked.
  2. Now you seem fairly enthusiastic but I will say that you won't just 'become' a hacker over night (although from yourlast post you do appeciate that to some degree), you'll need to read your ass off, you learn everything you get the opportunity to even if you don't think you need to. Playing is generall learning for hackers so learning becomes fun. Everything you learn is something you can potentially use somewhere along the line. Problem solving skills are a must and you must never be afraid to tamper with equipment *you own* but don't get in the law's way. If you do cross the law, know your way around it as best you can, know your rights, know what you did and why, know how you can wriggle out of it. Don't take unnecessary risks but don't be afraid to try things, it's a fine balance but it very often pays off. Don't try to measure yourself as a good or bad hacker, coder, designer or anything. Let other people do that but learn when you are well within your rights to pump up your ego for a while, know when you've really accomplished something that's an acheivement to you. Don't let people put you down if it's a big deal to you unless they give you reasons to. You don't need to know how good you are, you just need to know your abilities, your strengths, your limits and weaknesses. I know these points apply to me but while I cannot vouch for the other members of this community I suspect some of them share these views. Welcome to Hak.5, welcome to the community and welcome to our world. Good luck on your journey and may you learn a crapload.
  3. moonlit

    Vista RC2

    Nah it really is that old, I looked it up last night... Meh, doesn't bother me though, I only use it for 2.2Mb internet and there are no drivers for Vista anyways. I'm currently dual booting Vista RC2 and Windows 2003 so as long as it works in one of them I'm not too worried.
  4. Ewww. Still, you probably wouldn't notice the crap with the state of some of the public transport here in the UK ;)
  5. Yeah bad installation media or corrupt install files can cause some rather nasty but random problems, it'll tell you maybe your RAM or your HDD is shot when really it just failed to read the installation media or perhaps corrupted a file while copying it. Don't always trust error messages, they sometimes lie, especially when installing OSs. Edit: I just read the OP again and it does seem like a hardware issue if the machine pauses indefinitely at POST... As I mentioned before double check all your cables, ensure they're plugged in fully/correctly and if in doubt try the drives with different cables in a completely different machine. Also check jumper settings, especially if you're added, disabled or removed any drives lately and check your BIOS to see if the drives are being detected correctly.
  6. moonlit

    Vista RC2

    That's kind of irrelevant, the VM only lets the guest OS access crappy emulated hardware, as VaKo said the graphics hardware the VM presents to Vista is well below par and would not ever be a graphics card recommended for use with Vista. Otherwise though, I've not found it too bad. I'm kinda narked that both of the ways I have to get online are both broken in Vista (though everything else works flawlessly and pretty smoothly)... I'll grant MS this though, I hardly expected my USB modem to work because some people have enough trouble installing under XP and since the product is discontinued they won't be updating the drivers. The other method I tried was to try to connect via my router but this failed because unbeknown to me my ageing NIC is infact 10Mbps only and I'm hardly surprised they don't support a card that old. Wow... I didn't realise it was quite that old though... :p
  7. http://www.lik-sang.com/news.php?artc=3901 Sony finally gave the death blow. LikSang.com will no longer be trading as a result of a lawsuit bought by Sony Computer Entertainment.
  8. Cola batter, eh? Sounds... kinda interesting...
  9. Have you checked your cables, connections and power? These can all make HDDs act weird.
  10. ViaArena is good for VIA drivers...
  11. Smilies are added using text so a normal text emote becomes an image when posted so he just used: :)
  12. It's spam. Check the profile: http://hak5.org/forums/profile.php?mode=vi...file&u=3053 Occupation: Janitor Interests: Family doctor These spam bots use randomised occupations and interests, another good way to spot if they're legit.
  13. I can't quite work out what you mean... I don't see why you need to do anything with the battery to enter safe mode... Also, to get Administrator if it's not showing, Ctrl Alt Del twiceq, should take you to the normal login box. Type Administrator and password (often blank unless you've set it) to log on.
  14. but you know the scary thing is people actually think this is true imagine a parent stumbling across this... they're not gonna know the difference, people *will* believe it, that's why it's so damn stupid
  15. I wish I still owned my old computers but I have owned: ApricotPC Ahh, green-screen goodness ^_^ 2x floppy drives too, my PCs didn't have this 'till years after :p Toshiba T3100 Luggable (not sure this is the same model but it's near enough) Ran Windows 3.1 and did so well. Wasn't all that useful as a laptop but it worked great as a deskop with a small footprint. Amstrad PPC512 Luggable Ran MSDOS 3.3. Tried running games on it but the passive matrix LCD blurred worse than the original gameboy. It did run well though and was a fairly nice machine. The 720k floppy was a bit of a pain though, most of my disks at the time were 1.4MB from when I used the PS/2 below. IBM PS/2 (Mine had a tape drive of some sort in the second floppy bay.) Ahh yeah, the good old days. Ran Windows 3.1, was fairly stable but had its moments. I did have a tape drive but I never managed to find carts to fit it, I think it was 10MB tapes or something stupid... ho-hum... Acorn Archimedes A3000 A classic machine, was used extensively in UK schools. I learnt to program on these and always wanted an A5000. Never got one, never got an A7000 RiscPC either... :( Amiga 500(+) I had many Amigas but this was my first. An Amiga 500+ with a GVP ImpactII HDD wedged on the left hand side. Ran wonderfully until the HDD borked and took all my stuff with it. Sorely missed. RIP Amiga :( I also had an Amiga 600HD and a 1200, all the Amigas were great machines and I wish they were still around now. *sob* I had many more old machines besides these. but these are probably the best of the ones I owned though, I really really wish I still had them Edit: How could I forget my Mac Classic II?! I still own this baby and I don't intend to get rid of it. Still works a charm, runs System 7.5.3 ^_^
  16. lmfao, these are amost getting amusing! oh man, oh... hahahaha...
  17. roflmfao an ATM w/floppy drive?! "I'd like to pay by floppy..."? "I'd like to deposit 1.39MB please..." "Do you accept low density?"
  18. so... uhhh... how many of you have printed this thread to use as a checklist? none? oh... uhh... me neither... ...
  19. could be an intrusion detection feature, could be a component not quite seated right try removing the bios battery for a while and shorting the battery connections with a screwdriverm that sometimes works when you fit RAM it's easy to nudge the other stick(s) so they appear to be installed but aren't quite where they should be, give them a wiggle and try again. if that doesn't work, strip it and rebuild it.
  20. gosh, how about "SuperComputers" teeheehee that'll go down a treat, see what I did there with the supercomputer? like... really big powerful computers? with the super...? and... never mind ;)
  21. yup, remember everything you do because chances are the thing you didn't think you'd ever need to do again is the thing you'll have to do to the next computer you run across and you'll be kicking yourself for not making a mental note
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