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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. I'll probably be in IRC... with no booze due to lack of cash... Same as any other day really... :(
  2. moonlit

    Computer System

    Input > Process > Output is the definition of a system... But the storage part generally comes under processing really... you have to store the data to process it.
  3. Ahh, the mini version isn't an official MS release, I don't remember anything about it though...
  4. I'm going to use mine to find the girls' tent next weekend... I'm kidding people, I'm kidding ;)
  5. I think there's a mini-redist of 2.0 that doesn't have to be installed... I could be wrong...
  6. What is offensive about this? Anything? Ditto, if we ever have to conform to a set of rules about 'foul' language I will disappear quicker than you can say 'fuck'. In this thread I counted: fuck 3 piss 2 crap 1 shit 1 Now, I should hope we can all cope with this language, how many times have you heard these words in movies? In RL? I rest my case. As I said I don't mind that the show's got a bit cleaner on account of the possible audience but here is where we can let it all out. People can watch the show without being offended and coming here is optional. If you want uncouth behaviour or bad language be sure to visit the IRC channel.
  7. Perhaps we don't need to swear as much but we're a bunch of geeks, even perhaps 'hackers' in the eyes of some, I think we're allowed a quota of 'dirty' words... I'm happy that the show is going a bit straight and the guys aren't drinking in shot and stuff, it's great that they're able to be shown in schools and such but this is a forum, we don't need people telling us what to say here.
  8. Yeah... and feel free to unlock this if you think otherwise but I think it's time this ended.
  9. Case closed, you say? *dons slippers and cap* *lights pipe and sits down in front of the fire*
  10. Am I the only person who gets excited when a new TV channel starts up, not because of the shows but to see how they're gonna launch it? Am I the only person who actually feels kinda empty when a TV channel dies or a long-running service is closed down? Am I the only person who gets a gut reaction to the BBC closedown in the early hours of the morning? TV content might be crap but the medium needn't be crap with it :) I'd love to keep all the old pages, the technical faults, the temporary or test pages... technical faults always get me kinda excited too, I wonder how long the fault can evade the engineers or how long they can possibly last with a whole channel off the air ^_^
  11. Heheh.... you could be right... On a positive note though I just clicked on that image out of habit and the forum images work again ^_^
  12. Exactly the reason I made this (or one of the reasons)... Why leave it to die? It's just another piece of comms history so why not preserve it? :)
  13. Yay for text-based non-interactive information services!
  14. D'you think that'd count as animal cruelty? :/
  15. "Hey lads, we got a new guy here...."
  16. So.... you're... trying to do something you shouldn't be doing on a school network, right?
  17. I'm saying nothing ;) /me emails the cookies ^_^
  18. lol I was afriad someone would ask that... it's a *complete* mess but I might release it at some point... I might give out a tutorial on how to make the teletext files though, I'm kinda lacking on content ;)
  19. I've wanted to create my own Teletext pages for ages and I've never been able to find a decent way to view them easily on a PC (and it's even harder to view them on a TV without expensive gear) so I figured I'd make a Teletext simulator so I can do just that... Download it here if you wanna try it out... http://www.freewebs.com/5kah/TelSetup.rar Edit: I've had a report of someone's display going funny after using this but I've had no problems with it. Use at your own risk. It's not complete yet by any means but it works well enough that you can view pages on it, pages can now have coloured text (and multiple text colours on one line) and it's pretty quick too. Screenshots: Page 899: Test page, similar to the 'clock cracker' (image from Channel 5 in the UK, Teletext Then and Now). Page 210: Part of the Podcast and IPTV section, another test page. Page 201: The first page of the Podcast section. Yet to be completed.
  20. moonlit

    Smart Card's

    Yeah I read about that somewhere in relation to satellite TV cards I think, it renders the card useless doesn't it?
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