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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Yup, I'm also not one to worry too much but this is actually a hugely offensive thread... Should I lock it?
  2. VaKo? Ban this little fucker will you? Thanks, Moonlit
  3. One side of the coin: Don't use that thread title. It's the biggest sweeping generalization I've seen since... uhh... yesterday... Other side of the coin: Yay. Religious recruitment chain mail.
  4. See, your attitude to the n00b banner says it all. Chill. If you start by accepting the fact you've been given the official n00b certification then you've already started to get rid of it. The fact that you have it means you've obviously not been a particularly pleasant member to be around on here with and because of that you earned the label. If you take note and try not to be so... irritating then you'll be rid of the blight that is the n00b cert. I think he's convinced his name is Eric Cartman.
  5. How many MySpace users know what encryption is? How many would know how to use it? How many care?
  6. 1. Yes, replace the launchpad exe with your own. 2. Possibly but not with the built in Windows stuff, create your own app that launches something at a given time, there's probably software out there that does this. 3. Yes 4. Probably, I stopped develloping mine but the source is on the wiki page if you'd like to try to improve it yourself. I've seen other source code and information around so start searchin'
  7. Yeah, now not only are we potential terrorists we're now probably terrorists. Great.
  8. Yep, works for me... let the flaming commence.
  9. I'd second that, I know a lot of people start drinking here at 14/15 and that's pretty bad because as you say it's not 'just a beer', it's 10 beers or maybe a bottle of vodka. Kids cannot handle this quantity of alcohol and shouldn't be getting hammered every weekend (or any time at all).
  10. moonlit


    Look on the board itself, the model number is more than likely printed on there.
  11. moonlit


    I use Aida32 to gimme the info on the guts of the machine without unscrewing it, works great from my experience, very detailed.
  12. moonlit


    I found what makes it happen on my system after it happened quite a few times; If you are logged on here then you open a second window with Hak5 forums in you're fine... However, if you the close the second window it clears your unread posts. So if I have Hak5 forums open and I'm reading a thread then someone pastes a link to a topic in mIRC it will open a second Hak5 window. I can continue browsing as normal. If I then close the browser window that mIRC spawned it will mark everything as 'read' in the first window.
  13. command some other command echo yet another command > delete-this-directory-i-no-longer-want.bat at day time delete-this-command-i-no-longer-want.bat lol I completely forgot you could echo to a file...
  14. use the script that's creating it to write the deletion script... ...I'm assuming you can write files from a batch but I've never tried :/
  15. what's with your oversized coloured text? I just saw you do this on another thread...
  16. I think we need to send a couple of people from this thread to go find the Hak.5 logo ;)
  17. moonlit


    That's a good idea. Do you have a clue on how to do it. I want to try that... I believe K_rose demonstrated it once, try 'hdd switch kevin rose'...
  18. Well I agree with all the stuff said here about the FF fanbois, it's beyond beginning to piss me off to be honest, Yes, FF is a decent browser but it's not without it's flaws as many claim it is. Opera is also a very usable browser. Finally, the flamebait if you will, IE isn't that bad either. I use it, I'm not going to convert because someone badgers me about it everywhere I turn. IE6 has been targeted because of its popularity and so will IE7 but that doesn't necessarily mean they're shit. Sure, IE isn't perfect either but come on - none of these browsers are, they're something related to the internet and any form of internet client software is vulnerable. The only problem I have with IE is how closely it's linked with Windows itself but besides that it's a perfectly usable browser. In reference to the thread though, I don't particularly like the idea of IE 'skins', I've tried Deepnet and it works but I think I'd just stick with IE. As VaKo said though FF isn't necessarily a viable option for a corp environment so hey, use what does the job, right?
  19. You'd better not mean what I think you mean by "pack"... I've the unfortunate feeling he might just mean that, yes.
  20. Apparently it's a Sharp LQ029B2DD04B, it's 2.9" and has a resolution of 240x160 pixels. Your post wasn't very detailed but I'm guessing that's what you wanted to know. Please try to provide more information in future.
  21. *sigh* The ones that get repeated too many times to be bearable?
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