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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. moonlit


    Go and sit in front of it.
  2. Yes we do, it's a matter of principle... ;)
  3. Likewise, that would make we mant to really, really hurt something.
  4. I believe they called it 'auxiliary screens' or something, could be useful but you know it's more fun to hack your own ;) I also remember that PDA screen actually but I can't for the life of me remember where it was... On topic though you won't be able to use a GBA SP as a secondary screen unless you use the whole GBA with some kind of TV tuner cartridge, I believe Foxx used an A/V input cart on BSoD on episode 6, check it out. As for touch screen I don't think the GBA or SP had that capability, you'd have to interface a DS and that's gonna be a task and a half if you can't program and make your own GB carts.
  5. Oh come on now, you're not even going to *try* to look like you're trying?
  6. yeah, bottom of the main window, they're text adverts now though I think, right down the bottom... I think they still use banner ads too somewhere but there's hacks to get rid of those
  7. moonlit

    SAM Problem

    But according to your original post you intend to use that knowledge to gain something from your school network. Time please gents... come on lads, grab your coats, long ofter kick out time, out you go...
  8. moonlit

    SAM Problem

    It means that I rolled my eyes at your last message. You're so persistant after we've explained between us that we're not going to help you crack your school network. Last orders at the bar... time please, gentlemen...
  9. If I remember correctly they are signed and sealed, I don't know what format they're in but I'm 99% sure you can't make your own animated MSN display pictures. Try www.mess.be for info, they've usually got info like this.
  10. moonlit

    SAM Problem

    Is it sad that I actually just did :roll: in RL?
  11. moonlit

    SAM Problem

    You what? You can't sticky a post... and if you spam you'll get banned... @VaKo: Ehh no worries, I switched to rubber desks for the next batch ;)
  12. moonlit

    SAM Problem

    Oh for pity's sake... Someone save me... anyone? /me finds the desk with his head again.
  13. moonlit

    SAM Problem

    I may not be reading this right, I may not be hearing this right... I may not be feeling it right but you know, this smells and tastes like an "omg im gonna h4xx0r my skool netw0rk and potentially screw up my relationship with the staff, my school life, potentially career and entire working life!!!" thread...
  14. This one? http://g.live.com/1rebeta/Mess80_EN It says 80 but I've downloaded and verified that it's 8.1, thanks www.mess.be ;)
  15. As much as I detest admitting it you're right VaKo...
  16. Visual Basic. It's WYSIWYG, it allows design of GUIs and it's really really easy to get the basics.
  17. and you could stealth your opticals... then you'll have... ...tape drives! :(
  18. Now you're nit-picking... if you'd bothered trying to walk past that opportunity to start a flame war here you'd have realised what I actually meant: There are MySpace users who; Have no idea whatsoever about anything, Are intelligent but don't necessarily follow internet security, Are intelligent but do follow internet security but don't care, Are intelligent, follow internet security and want their passwords encrypted. Now, where do people think most MySpace users fall in that list? Bear in mind that only 1/4 of the catergories in this list account for the people who would require the answer this post is here to get. There are enough people yelling "mY$p4C3 5uXX0rZ!!" to be able to guage the general opinion of people here about the service. I know this does not account for everybody but come on, there's no need to start mudslinging over this.
  19. MIGHT not. I didn't say that everyone on MySpace is a braindead fuckwit, I just said that I personally don't know how many care. How many people have you heard complaining that MySpace isn't secure enough? Sure, some will but most people don't want the technical details. They want MySpace to load, they don't care if this info is encrypted or not.
  20. I was replying to Sparda. Besides, how many would? I know it's popular opinion that most people on MySpace are dumbasses, I won't give an opinion on that but idiots or otherwise they still might not know or care about encryption. Edit: I've heard plenty of stories of people putting private info on MySpace saying "oh, I haven't got any personal info on the net, I only put it on myspace"... d'you think these people care about encryption? Granted, that's not the only people that use MySpace but those people would certainly not care about encryption.
  21. no-one in their right mind reads that stuff except for when they want a laugh, it's pure marketing BS
  22. oh holy mother of all that is technologically advanced... you don't actually believe that billboard crap, do you?
  23. Pro actually has a few differences in files, you'll get a boot screen... and... uhh... a Start banner... or something out of doing this...
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