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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. I've heard they really really don't like being tricked... ;)
  2. moonlit

    stupid but fun

    :start go.bat goto start Save as go.bat and run it.
  3. ok... here's a revolutionary idea... why don't we just forget the ex even existed! rather than try to own their box or fuck up their posessions, let's just ignore them!
  4. What the hell is this? What the... Just what the hell?
  5. Ehh... first time I blogged was when I put my first poem up online... I have an MSN passport so I figured hey, you know, since it's free I may as well claim an MSN Space... I continued to use that to vent and write poetry... I'm sure that having that was what drove me to write poetry... I did kinda fade out after a while though and left it to die. I was given a Vox invite some time back but I have about 4 or 5 posts, I don't know why I bothered signing up. It's funny though, Vox doesn't inspire me to write like MSN Spaces does, perhaps due to who might read it, perhaps due to the fact that I generally associate MSN with people that I know and generally trust (despite the MSN Space being public).
  6. It is, though... that's probably why ;)
  7. moonlit

    Atlanta, GA

    email: cli_ninja@yahoo.com Location: ATL Occupation: slacker Interests: slacking Could be real or could be false, How to tell if there's a pulse? Send some mail to them, anon, Chances are though... they're... gone. ;)
  8. Don't reply to old threads just to laugh at people who have been banned for fucking months. That was pointless.
  9. Just off the top of my head, just to see if I remember, would those be Sony, Matsushita and... something else... I'm tempted to say IDE but I don't think it was, I have a feeling it was another proprietory connector... Edit: Apparently the third one was Mitsumi... *shrugs*... ahh, I remember I had one of those non-IDE Sony drives once, a PITA IIRC :D
  10. Offline Password and Registry Editor
  11. Is this even in the right section? *moved* This question is nearly as bad as some complete computer novice calling and saying their computer doesn't work, when you ask why they reply with "dunno, it just don't work"... You're gonna have to give at least a little bit of detail.
  12. Yeah VS2k5 doesn't really allow for DOS dev but go take a looksee and grab some period software like you say, that's got more of a chance of working since it was made to create DOS binaries :)
  13. Not really, what are you using to write the program? Since you're using C++ though you could grab a pile of old C++ programming apps from around the net though, I've seen old versions of C++ for MSDOS floating around, should be easy enough to find 'em.
  14. That would be why you can't run it in pure DOS :)
  15. Is it a console application? There are programs that you can write which can run in what appears to be a Windows 'DOS' box but in fact they are Windows programs with no GUI and not true DOS programs. Because of this, they won't run in pure DOS because they are actually the same as any other Windows app, you just can't see any windows or buttons. These are often called console applications.
  16. The only PPC emulators I'm aware of are PearPC (only runs OSX 10.1 -> 10.4 IIRC) and SheepShaver (runs OS 8.5 through 9.x). Both are available for Windows and Linux and I believe there may be BSD builds for one or both of them. PearPC Having used PearPC I know it takes a lotta cycles to get it moving at any useful speed, though on my AthlonXP 1.73GHz w/512MB RAM on Windows Server 2003 it runs almost usable. It is very CPU intensive so you'll need a real kickass CPU to make it run like at what would seem normal speeds. Booting's fairly quick considering it's emulated, it's great to see the grey Apple boot screen on my PC without needing OSX86 and it gets to the desktop fairly quickly. OSX's GUI gets a bit sluggish sometimes but that doesn't surprise me to be honest, I was able to open Word 2001 for Mac on it, it can run MSN Messenger and connect to IRC using XIRC. It does have internet access after a little tweaking, instructions are online but the only thing it's missing as of build 0.4 is that it has no sound. Graphics aren't too bad either, all is as it should be there, it works great in full screen and looks/feels just like a low-spec PPC Mac. You'll find the desktop runs quicker and smoother in 16-bit mode as opposed to 32-bit and full screen also seems to help. I wouldn't expect to watch videos on this thing though, especially on my system. I'm confident that it would work but again, a rather extreme host system would be advised... however without sound playing videos would be kinda useless anyways... It emulates a G3 Mac normally, G4 support is available with a tweak to the config file if it's an altivec build but it's not recommended (and I wouldn't recommend) that you turn it on, it slows everything right down and for some reason corrupts graphics within OSX. Screenshot of my PearPC desktop http://a7.vox.com/6a00c22521c2e7549d00c2252337df549d-pi Ignore the CPU speed listed there, it would normally say around 800MHz on this machine but it's kinda irrelevant because the speed shown does not really relate to the speed of the emulated Mac. The speed calculated by MacOS depends on what Windows is doing in the background and when this shot was taken I had a virus scan running and a couple of other things so MacOS counted less available MHz if you will due to the emulated CPU not having as much time on my Athlon. The RAM is configurable so 128MB shown here was chosen by me to see how it ran, I think the default is 256MB. SheepShaver I haven't yet tried SheepShaver but I've heard good things, I hope to try it soon.
  17. moonlit


    Hey, why not? I mean it seems they even have a live CD, might give it a look later :)
  18. Isn't this the 3rd "omg how do I make my FTP work?!" in a week? ...and why is K1u asking on Brennan's behalf? Is it the same Brennan that's already asked for FTP help here?
  19. I'm know that up on my Linux knowledge but I don't know how well Backtrack would cope with 32MB RAM, I have a feeling it'd choke itself.
  20. Windows < 98. Linux (I don't know Linux so I couldn't tell you which distros would be best). Some flavour of BSD. Obscure OS no-one's heard of.
  21. sport9155: If you're not a spam bot, plase reply to this message.
  22. moonlit

    DDoS: Help

    if you can grab the exe and strip off the encryption that's almost certainly on it there's a chance you could extract the nicknames/adresses etc and use that... but it's hard to get the exe if you don't know where to look...
  23. Ehh we kinda figured it wasn't really doing much just sitting there... was a good idea at the time, if you see what I mean.
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