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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Well if you do get someone else to pack things for you then do so at your own risk. What you guys do via PM is none of our business but just try to act responsibly. Think about it; if the packed exe you find on a forum somewhere is no different to a random packed exe from a member of that forum... do you trust either of them?
  2. Uhh... Who's the girl who's circled? Why is she circled? Why is everyone who realises the photographer is there either sporting a look of fear or annoyance? Maybe it's because she's looking right in to the camera but... each time I look at that girl in the red circle she looks more and more fiery... like... really fiery...
  3. No problem, glad to be of assistance... good luck ^_^
  4. Possibly. IrDA (which is likely what the IR on your laptop is) isn't usually compatible with remote controls but there are applications that claim to be able to use IrDA with remote controls. They're not always successful and it depends on the remote and the laptop but you might just be in luck. I don't remember off the top of my head but a quick google for 'ir remote control windows' should get you somewhere. Alternatively, if you have a receiver for the remote (the part you plug in the controller socket), you might have more success with a PS2 -> USB controller adapter... this will let you use your remote as a DirectX compatible game controller and from there you can use something like Joy2Key to allow you to assign keyboard shortcuts to each remote button to control your DVD player or media player application.
  5. There was no need for a bump there, it's been a few hours... chill out.
  6. That's what I was aiming for, but the objection to that is that the packer used might become a skiddie tool and due to its strength it's considered too much to let a skiddie get hold of.
  7. I know someone who calls herself carrot :)
  8. moonlit


    /me calls for the short bus' route to be re-started...
  9. rofl... a carrot? :D
  10. I know for a fact that the packer he used is currently impossible to unpack. It might be great for defeating AVs and protecting sensitive files from being decompiled and such but the problem is that it takes more effort to find out what a program packed this way actually does than most people are willing to put in to making sure they're about to run a safe application or tool. This means that someone could in theory pack almost anything in to an almost perfectly packed exe and no-one would know. In a project like this with as many potential users as we have here, this could be disasterous. Anyone who needs to know can find packers that do this just at the click of a button, those who don't need to know where to find this strength of packer don't need to know where to find it. So in short; sure, encrypt and pack your exes 'till your heart's content but don't post them here because no-one knows what's in them.
  11. Amen. *frantically posts that all around town with a phone number* *waits* *gives up* *returns to forum*
  12. AMD Athlon XP 2100+ @ 1.73GHz (Palomino core, stock), MSI KT3 Ultra2 (MS-6380E) Socket A (462) motherboard, 512MB DDR RAM. ATi Radeon 9250 graphics card with 256MB onboard RAM. Pinnacle PCTV Rave TV card, 2 x 2 port USB cards, Generic 10Mbps NIC 2 channel EIDE/RAID card for the HDDs that aren't currently in the machine. 80GB HDD Western Digital + 30GB HDD (unknown) 32x LiteOn CDRW + HP DVD840b DVD +/- RW/RAM Runs Windows Server 2003 as a workstation but has Vista RC2 (5744) as a second OS to play with. That's just about the only system worth mentioning...
  13. You cant be a girl, girls dont exist on the internet. That's why geeks don't get girlfriends.
  14. Maybe this is just me but I gotta say that although I don't like going out in the sun generally, I love going for walks with a female (though not necessarily a partner) when it's sunny, just wandering and chatting, maybe finding a patch of grass or something to sit for a while... Ahh, makes me feel a million dollars. I say female in particular because I do much prefer female company... maybe it's just the people I know that gave me that preference, I dunno... I've often contemplated picnics but they don't seem to be a common pastime these days for some reason. Also sunsets... sunsets are awesome, especially if you happen to be on the coast... sunset walks on the beach or along some cliffs or something... man, that's awesome stuff...
  15. It has been requested that all further submissions to the USB projects are provided unencrypted and/or with a method of viewing the enclosed file(s) and where appropriate accompanied by the source code/resources due to the security risks posed by such files. Thanks. Edit: Revised text.
  16. Due to concerns over the content of the encrypted executable file that has been released here, posting of the link will not be permitted until the contents of the file have been verified. It has been requested that all further submissions to the USB projects are provided unencrypted and/or with a method of viewing the enclosed file(s) and where appropriate accompanied by the source code/resources due to the security risks posed by such files. Thanks. Edit: Revised text.
  17. Ehh it's no big deal, I just tend to get a bad impression of people when they instantly start adding $$ to MS' name or suggesting they're the devil because most mature people will just call them Microsoft, regardless of what they actually think of them. I guess I get annoyed by people claiming that anything MS is automatically terrible and doesn't work because obviously Linux/BSD/other OS is much better/makes you look like a l33t hacker... Aside from my own personal hangups though, welcome to the forums, may your stay be long and entertaining.
  18. A good start to not being a n00b is to not spell Microsoft "Micro :twisted: shaft"...
  19. Yay. I'm special. Do I get my cookie now?
  20. I was gonna suggest you don't post that IP here. I was even gonna remove it. But if it's yours and you posted it here then you'll find out if you're vulnerable soon enough. If it's not yours and you posted it here then lets hope you get your ass kicked. I'm done. [EOF]
  21. Heh yeah... I don't think there were any notable courses teaching anything you'd want to know about Acorns that you couldn't figure out yourself within 20 minutes (probably 5 if you had a big pile of those Acorn manuals)... Great old machines though...
  22. I used to use letmein for projects that dealt with passwords when I used to program on the Amiga... ...and I still managed to forget it on many occasions :S
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